Can't get Metal Gear Solid V Phantom Pain to launch in 3D

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Cross Eyed!
Posts: 136
Joined: Thu Sep 05, 2019 2:22 am

Can't get Metal Gear Solid V Phantom Pain to launch in 3D

Post by P.C.Zen »

As per the title.

I click "Play 3D" in 3D Fix Manager, but it just launches in 2D

I just tried re-installing the driver via 3D Fix Manager but no luck.

Should I try installing the fix manually?

Maybe re-installing 3D Fix Manager might help?

P.S. I'm going to start donating up front to say thank you for fixes but I'd like to get this one working first before I send cash, because my cash is super-limited right now and I want to at least get something working in 3D and be able to donate for it.

I've also had trouble with Hitman 2 refusing to launch in 3D (it'll launch in 2D via 3D Fix Manager, but when I try to launch in 3D it just seems to crash to desktop).

Also, the universal Unreal Engine fix did nothing when I tried it with Sinking City. The Sinking City I have is not a legit install because I wanted to see what it was like before I spent £46 on a game I might not want to play. I didn't really like it so I won't be playing it (not even for £8 in the Steam sale) and will be deleting the install but thought it might be worth mentioning as I'm concerned it might be a related issue...

...I'm having a lot of trouble with games just plain not working in 3D when I try and launch them. I haven't wanted to ask in the forum because I wanted to send some donations first, but I can't until I've sold some stuff on eBay and I've been too depressed to do so recently. I'm really sorry about that. I know people don't mind helping regardless but it is something that weights on my mind and I do want to donate, it's just hard when I'm unwell. 3D really helps me because it stimulates the braincells in a way 2D just can't do.

As I said above, I'll start donating as I play each game from here on in (and I'll get some donations for games I've played sent out too when I've eBay'd some stuff and when my government disability payment comes through) but I'd like to get this one working before I part with my currently very limited cash. :oops:

Help would be really appreciated as I've just been through a depressive spell and I just want to play some 3D games for a while.
Cross Eyed!
Posts: 136
Joined: Thu Sep 05, 2019 2:22 am

Re: Can't get Metal Gear Solid V Phantom Pain to launch in 3D

Post by P.C.Zen »

Lol...okay, so: continuing the long tradition of asking and answering my own questions:

I read the notes for manual installation and it says the game has to be switched from windowed full screen to just "Fullscreen", under "Options", in the manu, which I did, and now it's working. :D :D :D

Just now searching for how to send some cash to Darkstarsword

Also, might be worth adding one of those exclamation marks to 3D Fix Manager detailing that you need to manually switch to "Fullscreen" for the 3D to work. :? It helps people like me at least :?

Edit: Donation sent. Hopefully the first of many. :)
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