32inch Monitor with Nvidia 3d Vision?

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One Eyed Hopeful
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Joined: Fri Oct 09, 2020 12:53 pm

32inch Monitor with Nvidia 3d Vision?

Post by Kaoner »

Hi, apologies if this isn't the right subforum... I was wondering if anyone has been able to get a 32 inch monitor to work with the Nvidia 3d Vision kit (I understand that it was only ever intended by Nvidia to work with a handful of specific monitors, but I've read some anectdotal posts by people who have said that they were able to get it to work with other (27 inch) monitors by using drivers for supported monitors (I think they referred to it as EDID - sounds like they edited the .inf file, but don't really recall the exact details off hand). At least one post had mentioned using a 24" supported monitor's driver to make a 27" unsupported monitor work. From what I could gather from reading various posts, the main criteria was that the monitor needed to have at least 120hz refresh and a very low gtg (1 or 2 MS). My thinking was that if a 24" driver could work with an unsupported 27" monitor, then maybe a supported 27" driver could work for a 32" monitor.

Anyways, hoping that some of the more seasoned tech veterans here might definitively know if this is feasible (or better yet have personally succeeded at doing it)

Thanks. So glad that this community exists - not many reliable sources of (up to date) info about the now unsupported Nvidia 3d Vision, but there seems to be a lot of knowledgable and helpful folks here based on the posts I've read here so far.
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