Roki. great game and 3dvision ready without the need for a fix

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Roki. great game and 3dvision ready without the need for a fix

Post by sgsrules »

Well this was most certainly a pleasant surprise. I played the demo for Roki a few months ago and thought that it would look great in 3D. I bought it today and was able to get 3d to kick in without having to even install 3dmigoto. It's a unity 2019.2 game so i simply added -windows mode - exclusive to the launch parameters and 3d kicked in. Once the game started it asked me for a resolution and then 3d turned off for a second as it switched to borderless window mode, but hitting alt enter made it go back into fullscreen mode and switched 3d back on.

I played through the first hour of the game and it's almost perfect as is. Lighting, shadows and effects all render perfectly. There are a few minor issues, in some scenes the characters have a slight halo around them that is common in most unity games, on average i'd say this only pops up about 30% of the time. I also noticed that in a few scenes the distant backgrounds have a slight double image. Overall if i had to compare it's issues i'd say it fares even better than the Ori games, those worked almost perfectly except for the haloing in some of the characters, but unlike Ori this doesn't happen all the time.

As far as the game itself it's pretty good. It's a point and click adventure game but you have direct control of the character. It reminds me a lot of the old King's quest games, except with Scandinavian Folklore. Graphically it's fairly simple, It uses cell shading and there aren't a lot of fancy effects which is probably one of the reasons it works so well in 3d. Artistically the game looks great, it's got good character and environmental designs. I've only played the first hour but so far I'm really enjoying it and would highly recommend it.

Here's the launch trailer:

RPS review (They highly recommend it as well)

Steam Link:

Last edited by sgsrules on Sat Aug 15, 2020 12:54 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Roki. great game and 3dvision ready without the need for a fix

Post by sgsrules »

I just tried the 2017 Unity Universal fix and it actually breaks a lot of things like the shadows and lighting. I don't have a lot of experience fixing unity games using tradition methods and 3dMigoto. The fix i made for INSIDE used .net reflection to inject stereo rendering code so it was a different beast altogether. I'd try to fix this myself but honestly it's good enough as is and i'd rather spend my time playing than screwing around fixing shaders. Maybe someone with more experience in unity fixes can give it a shot, it seems like it'd be a quick fix since the few things that are broken are pretty common unity issues. But again I'd say it's totally worth playing as is.
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