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Zalman 3D LCD monitors

Posted: Wed Oct 24, 2007 11:43 am
by ssiu
Zalman (perhaps best known for their CPU coolers) is coming out with 19" and 22" 3D LCD monitors. They look like direct competitors to IZ3D (different technology, but competing in same consumer/gamer market). They were first demonstrated in CES 2007. Now Zalman just posted the info on their website.

19" monitor - ... 0&code=032

22" monitor - ... 1&code=032

Comparing to IZ3D (based on spec alone; I have not personally seen either one):

the big CON for Zalman is that it is only half resolution (half # of rows) because it is using row interleaving technology

the PRO for Zalman is that it cheaper than IZ3D; and perhaps the fact that it is more "standard" 3D algorithm (IZ3D is more proprietary) so more driver support (NVIDIA; DDD/Tridef?)

Regarding price and availability: this website gives an idea of price: ... cts/trimon -- probably $700 or less for 22" monitor. Availability would be "before end of 2007".

Posted: Wed Oct 24, 2007 11:57 am
by ssiu
My comments: Zalman has more marketing presence than IZ3D. It was demonstrating the 3D monitors (along with other Zalman products) in trade shows it attends. That (demonstrating and getting the S3D message out to mass market) can only be good thing for S3D in general.

Korea trade show: ... er_da=desc

Dubai trade show: ... er_da=desc

I hope someone can get both IZ3D and Zalman 22" monitors side-by-side and do an objective comparison soon ...

I wonder what 3D driver Zalman was using in its demonstrations? It was using NVIDIA before. Did Zalman give up on NVIDIA and develop its own driver (like IZ3D), find a 3rd party (like Samsung 3D DLP HDTV), or perhaps NVIDIA is finally getting its acts together and release good S3D driver soon?

Disclaimer: I have no financial interest in either Zalman or IZ3D.

Posted: Wed Oct 24, 2007 12:12 pm
by ssiu
The Zalman web site has driver downloads. It is NVIDIA 91.31 S3D and Forceware driver :( with all its limitations. They even have FAQ about "disabling the 2nd CPU code if you have trouble on your dual core system".

On the plus side, they list as one of the 3D-related website links.

Posted: Wed Oct 24, 2007 1:38 pm
by Jahun
Well.... I haven't seen the Zalman's to be honest, but my bet would be on IZ3D..

If Zalman is using interlaced, they are doing shuttering, and I prefer passive polarized (no flickering of other light sources, lighter etc). Also they have half the resolution, and also lower brightness I think (since you blank half the screen).

Last but not least, IZ3D has shown to be able to develop a great driver, capable of any gfx card etc. They seem to have nice support and are responsive.

Zalman needs a decent 3D driver.. sure we are sticking to the occasional Nvidia driver with all its quirks, but if you want to sell this in mass, it needs to be plug and play. On that account, IZ3D scores, Zalman won't. (for now)

I am all for more competition and exposure. But taking a screen and fixing interlacing into it, doesn't sound up to par with slapping 2 lcd's on top of eachother, own algorithm, new technology AND nice drivers.

Just my opinion.. and I have neither monitor, so perhaps I am waaaay off.

ps: Zalman has a good name, that might catapult their line a bit.. not sure.

Posted: Wed Oct 24, 2007 2:10 pm
by ssiu
The Zalman is not using shuttering; it is passive polarization. i.e. odd rows are polarized in one way and only left eye can see them, even rows polarized in another way and only right eye can see them. So it would be half resolution and lower brightness, but there should not be flickering.

My worry as a potential IZ3D customer would be -- they seem to be a smaller/single-focus company(?); what if they don't survive after a few years? Then no new proprietary 3D driver update, and the expensive 3D hardware would eventually become orphaned.

Zalman seems to be a bigger company(?), and it has known distribution channel, so any place that currently sell Zalman products could be selling their 3D monitors too. They use one of the "standard" 3D method (e.g. Tridef/DDD driver supports "line interlaced" mode too) so I'd have less concern about lack of driver support if they go under.

I'd also expect the $1000 IZ3D monitor be better than the $700 half-res Zalman monitor; the question is which is the better "value" (or price/performance ratio) ...

Posted: Wed Oct 24, 2007 2:36 pm
by Neil
Holy cow, Batman! :shock:

First, I wish Zalman my best and it's good to see additional solutions in the market. I haven't sampled it myself, but their company has earned a good name for itself in other gaming markets, and I hope they do the same in S-3D.

SSIU, you are making some statements that aren't based on enough information.

1. iZ3D is partnered with Chei-Mei, a leading Taiwanese manufacturer. I don't see them going bankrupt, and that's not where our industry is headed.
2. What's all this talk about DDD having a standard driver? What constitutes standard? The MTBS programming guide takes into account NVIDIA and iZ3D driver needs, and from a game developer's point of view, compatibility has mostly to do with rendering depth and a 3D mindset than it does with driver choice. While DDD shows promise, to date their drivers only support a handful of games while NVIDIA and iZ3D easily support hundreds. I'm sure that will change for the better, but for now, putting DDD in the "standard" category, and kicking iZ3D and NVIDIA out, is a bit over the top.
3. Zalman has been in the market more than iZ3D? I'm sure Zalman has been making a respectable market appearance, and so has iZ3D. Why do you think otherwise?
4. Neurok Optics pre-existed before the now known iZ3D, and they have been around for several years. Google them. iZ3D only seems new because of the Chei-Mei business relationship.

As to the price and performance issue, that's where I leave the conversation. It's not my place, and I don't have enough information to go on.


Posted: Wed Oct 24, 2007 3:26 pm
by Jahun
hmm ah so it is polarized.. makes sense..
Well, I hope I get a chance to see one soon.

Specs aside, personally I think 700$ is steep, since they don't have any specific hardware and no driver. You get a LCD with a foil on top that polarizes the lines circularly. The whole thing seems to be just that... take a (any) lcd, and place a foil on top. LCD is polarized already so you only need to make it circular.

If that works as good as anything, yay, all for the better. But asking that amount seems high. Perhaps someone can enlighten me about the tricky/expensive things I am overlooking.

Zalman has a name of bringing nice products to the market, but they are also never cheap. And trying to sell a screen to mostly avid gamers, and then tell them they need to install a 91.something driver is wack.

Either they lost their mind, or they have something cooking with Nvidia or inhouse.

ps: Nvidia used to have (or hoped to have) a market gain from developing the stereo drivers. Nowadays they don't sell the cards with glasses anymore.. More players are entering the field, and I hope Nvidia stays and perhaps teams up with some.

It is a odd time though.. perhaps only a select few have a clue where tings may head to (Neil? :) )

Posted: Wed Oct 24, 2007 3:40 pm
by sharky
hi guys..

in my oppinion there will never be a solution wich solves all the problems. every solution solves some problems. one solves the price, the other flicker, the other ghosting, all different one from the other.

its known that iZ3D is a high end product, the qulity is impressive, the drivers are perfect, the support is impressive and so on. i think that its senseless to compare iz3d to other solutions this way, because zalman made a clear decision to drop the resolution/brightness and drop also the cost. THEY made this decision and i think that it is important to have solutions for every budget.

personally im using a iz3d 22" and i honestly think that if somebody is not in a financial crysis and can afford it he will enjoy every cent of it.

but i also understand that who for one or for the other reason cant afford it or does not want to spen that money for gaming complains about the cost. but its obvious that such a good product cant be given away for 500$... at least for now. i had a few components from zalman in the past and ALL where very good components.

i am shure that this monitor will have good aspects, because it is in zalmanns style, but for a constructive reason its cheaper and the quality is not like the iz3d one.

about the other points, well neil already replied.. :)



Posted: Wed Oct 24, 2007 5:01 pm
by ssiu
Regarding the $700 price for Zalman -- I don't really know how much it will cost; I googled and found that UK company listing it for ?365.94 which is around US$750 based on straight exchange rate. But the same computer hardware is often materially more expensive in UK than US. So my guesstimate is it would be US$700 or less. It may even be closer to $600.

I don't think Zalman has gotten their acts together yet. The info just appeared on their website. There is no mentioning that it is based on NVIDIA driver (until you download the drivers), and all the current limitations it imply -- no Vista support; no GeForce 8 series; and "AMD/ATI users don't buy this!". They've got to relay those information before they are ready to sell the monitors! Perhaps Zalman knows that NVIDIA will put out a good driver that rectify all these imminently ... (I can hope ...)

Posted: Wed Oct 24, 2007 5:29 pm
by ssiu
Neil -- regarding my incorrect perception of iZ3D -- they may very well be incorrect, but they may also represent the general perceptions of an average computer gamer/enthusiast (that is not already into S3D). I think more of them have heard about Zalman than iZ3D. The Zalman monitors may become more widely available faster (due to their established distribution channels) than iZ3D monitors.

iZ3D could/should take my incorrect perceptions as valuable feedback, and figure out what they can do to correct this incorrect perception, how they can spread the message that "we are a big company / we are here to stay / we are dedicated to S3D / we have best support with our S3D driver" etc.

Regarding DDD, I am not saying that DDD is a standard driver ahead of NVIDIA / iZ3D! I am saying that "row interleaving" is a "more standard" S3D display format (like pageflipping, anaglyph) compared to iZ3D's proprietary method. My thinking process as a potential 3D monitor buyer is this: if I have a Zalman monitor, and Zalman/NVIDIA/DDD all disappear one day in the future for whatever reason, and another new company gets into S3D driver business, the new company can probably write a driver that supports "row interleaving" / pageflipping / anaglyph methods and thus support my monitor. If I have an iZ3D monitor, and iZ3D disappears for whatever reason, and another company gets into S3D driver business, would they be able to support my iZ3D monitor? Again, if my perception is incorrect, please correct me, and iZ3D should take it as valuable feedback that there is this incorrect perception, and take action to counter it.

P.S. I am still using CRT monitor and LCD shutter glasses from my Elsa Revelator (NVIDIA TNT2 card). Elsa is no more, but because LCD shutter glasses (pageflipping) is a "standard S3D format" I can still use it with my newer NVIDIA card. That illustrates the issue with standard versus proprietary hardware/software.

Posted: Wed Oct 24, 2007 6:36 pm
by Neil
Geez! You're really filled with doom and gloom today! :lol:

Ok, let's go through your comments.
Neil -- regarding my incorrect perception of iZ3D -- they may very well be incorrect, but they may also represent the general perceptions of an average computer gamer/enthusiast (that is not already into S3D). I think more of them have heard about Zalman than iZ3D. The Zalman monitors may become more widely available faster (due to their established distribution channels) than iZ3D monitors.

iZ3D could/should take my incorrect perceptions as valuable feedback, and figure out what they can do to correct this incorrect perception, how they can spread the message that "we are a big company / we are here to stay / we are dedicated to S3D / we have best support with our S3D driver" etc.

You seem very convinced of your point, and others may be thinking the same way. If you have ideas on this, you should post them. I know for a fact that iZ3D scours the forums regularly. You can also post on the iZ3D forums. They have a good reputation for responding to customer feedback.

Regarding DDD, I am not saying that DDD is a standard driver ahead of NVIDIA / iZ3D! I am saying that "row interleaving" is a "more standard" S3D display format (like pageflipping, anaglyph) compared to iZ3D's proprietary method. My thinking process as a potential 3D monitor buyer is this: if I have a Zalman monitor, and Zalman/NVIDIA/DDD all disappear one day in the future for whatever reason, and another new company gets into S3D driver business, the new company can probably write a driver that supports "row interleaving" / pageflipping / anaglyph methods and thus support my monitor. If I have an iZ3D monitor, and iZ3D disappears for whatever reason, and another company gets into S3D driver business, would they be able to support my iZ3D monitor? Again, if my perception is incorrect, please correct me, and iZ3D should take it as valuable feedback that there is this incorrect perception, and take action to counter it.

I think you are going to find that the technologies these different S-3D solutions use to get 3D on the screen are significantly different from each other. Pageflipping and interlaced may sound like a standard, but technologies have progressed a great deal since the days of traditional LCD shutterglasses, and the hardware technologies are far more proprietary than is let on.

P.S. I am still using CRT monitor and LCD shutter glasses from my Elsa Revelator (NVIDIA TNT2 card). Elsa is no more, but because LCD shutter glasses (pageflipping) is a "standard S3D format" I can still use it with my newer NVIDIA card. That illustrates the issue with standard versus proprietary hardware/software.
Your example of LCD shutterglasses is a double edged sword. Yes, they work with your CRT monitor, but how easy is it to buy a CRT monitor new? Have you been happy with the software support of this standard technology?

I think you will agree that while display technology is a longer term investment, the gaming industry is very much about buying what plays the best games today. I would not be running MTBS if I thought the company releasing the 3D solution you buy today won't be around in five years.

I think your mindset is from the experience of being burned by the previous round of S-3D technology where you were indeed left hanging. Deep down, you are probably worried that companies will suddenly disappear just when things are getting promising.

My answer to that is our industry has both a challenging and exciting road ahead. This time around, we have new allies and leverage that our industry didn't have before. The 3D movie industry, technology improvements, and a growing MTBS membership - it all adds up. :wink:

The holidays are coming. Buy the product you will get the most joy out of! :P


Posted: Thu Oct 25, 2007 2:11 am
by Jahun
Good points, both of you.

The past has been full of crap S-3D solutions, and the industry is probably still suffering from it since it keeps people from buying new ones. 3D has been around for very long, but too many companies tried to make a quick buck.

In that regard, IZ3D took the effort to make something that will work on all computer configurations. Thus they at least live up to their name.
Also, they have years of experience in this exact area, unlike Zalman, who are very experienced in errr, cooling solutions.

I am all for Zalman contributing, ofcourse. But I sure hope they get their own drivers, or in some way can entice Nvidia to produce a new stable one.

The last thing this industry needs, is a big brand selling a gimped screen, since it will get coverage and may do more bad than good that way.

Posted: Thu Nov 01, 2007 11:08 am
by CarlKenner
Zalman gave me the only ray of hope for stereo 3D: they say the nvidia stereo driver for Vista is coming out in December! Yay!

The half-resolution thing sounds easy to develop a custom driver for. Page flipping is impossible to develop a custom driver for because Direct3D and OpenGL provide no means for making the application's frames line up with the monitor's frames.

Currently I have a VR920, and NO STEREO because of V!$t@ and nvidia.

Posted: Thu Nov 01, 2007 2:05 pm
by Jahun
Is page flipping impossible?
The Tridef driver has pageflipping as a view type option..

Posted: Fri Nov 02, 2007 6:06 pm
by Aeroflux
Question: What do we do if 3D conversion is not working while playing a game in a multi-core (Dual, Quad CPU) system?

Answer: Please disable one of the cores. In order to do so, go to Start -> Run -> Type in msconfig and press enter -> Go to ??BOOT.INI?? tab -> Click on ??Advanced Options?? -> Select /NUMPROC and set the value to ??1?? -> Check on /NUMPROC to disable if you want to return to the initial state. Now reboot your system.
-FAQ from Zalman website

:roll: Oookay...bubye now.

Posted: Fri Nov 02, 2007 7:06 pm
by Jahun
Ah found it at last:

Correct me if I'm wrong, but afaik and said, this Zalman screen is nothing more than any random screen with this (principle or actual):

applied. Now, VREX doesn't show prices on their site for this, but trust me when I say it won't be expensive when produced in masses.

I stand by my statement that say 700$ is way too high a price for such a crappy solution. It is very cheap to make, resolution drops in half (try to read fine print with that) and there is no driver support whatsoever: so sell it cheap. For 700$ it is an insult, as many more products have been in the S-3D years.

This is no comparison whatsoever to IZ3D, unless it is sold for <350$.. perhaps.

ps: Does VREX still exist?? What do they survive on? I had a Vrex shutterglasses way back.. blegh *shudders* Heh, let me quote a price from their site:

Price: $45,000.00 + shipping and handling

Which is for...... a passive dual projection setup, with XGA resolution.. :| go figure. Hey Likay, our setups are worth 10 thousands of dollars!

Posted: Sat Nov 03, 2007 3:11 am
by Likay
And i who though the price was carried away a bit. lol. In the end it costed almost twice as much as i calculated in first. The worst things that draw the price was the:

1: Fact that the projectors i was about to buy weren't in stock even if i still could find them at the sellers sites. Had to get more expensier ones and in the same time i plussed a "little" to the lumen output as well. :P

2: Found very good filters for the projectors but the pricing of those were almost as much as the price for one projector. Actually they're well worth the price though. :P

Regardless (heard Freddy Soto on "The three amigos"?). Now im really happy with the setup and found myself still playing old favourites that works in 3D rather than new games. A passive projection screen is still unbeatable (in my meaning :lol: ) compared to other s3d-solutions. Now only waiting for a new driver. :D
The IZ3D is also a very good solution but i guess i'm spoiled with the superb ghosting rejection and a big screen in a polarized rig. The IZ3D is more handy since it's more suitable for occasionally gaming (say i use the IZ3D 50-60% of my total gaming time now). When playing on the "big rig" you almost have to plan when to play to spare the lamps so it's a bit unpractical. Still it's a killer when having friends at home even if the "impact of news" is over now. But still: It's very fun to see new peoples reaction when playing some of their fave games and something's jumping straight up in their faces! :D


Posted: Sat Nov 03, 2007 3:48 pm
by CarlKenner
Jahun wrote:Is page flipping impossible?
The Tridef driver has pageflipping as a view type option..
No, it doesn't!
Trust me, I tried all the drivers. Nothing from any of them, except anaglyph in two games.

Posted: Sat Nov 03, 2007 4:30 pm
by Jahun
Well, in the "supported viewing types" section of the Tridef site it states they support Pageflipping (OpenGL)..

And I thought all shutterglasses used to work with full pageflipping back in the CRT days. Ok maybe not "back in" since some esteemed members still use it :)

Freke1, it's pageflipping you are using right?

Posted: Sun Nov 04, 2007 1:11 am
by CarlKenner
Page flipping has nothing to do with OpenGL. So I don't know what that option is supposed to do, but it does nothing.

Shutter glasses don't use page flipping, they use a special piece of hardware attached to the VGA port that changes the signal to page flipping from something else. So the edimensional driver can't do page flipping either. :(

Posted: Sun Nov 04, 2007 7:41 am
by Freke1
Yes, I still usees eDim shutterglasses on a CRT monitor (I know - not the best solution).

Edit: and yes, pageflipping.

Posted: Sun Nov 04, 2007 10:06 am
by Jahun
edit: Sorry for the thread going so OT Ssiu. Will shut up after this post or make a special thread.

Freke1, what viewing type option do you use?
(and shutter on CRT is pretty fine, why not the best?)

Ok seriously Carl, that piece of hardware on the VGA port does alot, but it doesn't change the signal at all. Give me some urls/references or stop making assumptions. That thing on the VGA port does just 1 thing, it intercepts the incoming signals and makes the shutterglasses sync with them. Do you really think a device that utterly cheap can do signal processing at that insane speeds? Hell no, it just gives short pulses when a new signal passes by.

Afaik (and please if you don't think so, give me some references), shutterglasses used mainly pageflipping on CRT's, and sure you can sync a DirectX or OpenGL frame render with the monitors refresh rate, what do you think V-sync does in all those games? It does exactly that, refresh only exactly synced with a refresh of the monitor.

Check for instance this on this forum discussing pageflipping with shutterglasses: ... d33eb580c2

I am not in the mood to look for more references.. do it yourself

Now pageflipping works bad on a TFT since it has digital signal processing so it's timing may be a tad off, and it has a slower response than CRT usually has. The solution in this case is interlaced, just reserve either odd or even lines for a the respective eyes and write them after another and sync. It still isn't perfect and I guess shutterglasses ppl can say alot more about this.

Main point, pageflipping works or show me references.