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Cartoon Network Going 3-D.

Posted: Wed Oct 03, 2007 12:48 pm
by maxthreat
I think it's just a kickoff show for an upcoming Lucas Arts Game Thrillville, get your red and blues ready. I don't think the game is going to have 3D but who knows, I kind of doubt it. Looks like an okay coaster game
October 12th 7-8pm E/P - Cartoon Network.

By the way I really like the new look of the forum.

Posted: Wed Oct 03, 2007 2:38 pm
by sharky
hehe... thats the first small step to the future.. :)

Posted: Wed Oct 03, 2007 3:01 pm
by Likay
3D on every front is very great news!

There are also other moviemakers that seriously consider doing them in 3D. (don't remember who though :( )

Now at least i could get back watching cartoons again. :D (like i stopped doing that haha)


Posted: Wed Oct 03, 2007 3:13 pm
by sharky
moved to the cinema news section.. :)

Posted: Thu Oct 04, 2007 4:07 am
by LukePC1
I tried your links, but I don't get it, what you are hinting at.

Ok the web page can be shown in anaglyph 3D, but the movie(s) can't.
Did I miss the part where they offer them in 3D? Or maybe the part, where they anounce it for a special point of time?

The link (at network cartoon) to the guide to build Red/Cyan glasses doesn't work either :(

It they are going to make free anaglyph 3D cartoons I'd apreciate that very much!

Re: Cartoon Network Going 3-D.

Posted: Fri Aug 14, 2009 8:23 pm
by cybereality
Anybody else notice there has been a huge influx of bots registering at this forum and posting innocuous looking messages in random threads? I mean, its not exactly the "Che@p V1aG4, buy m3ds onl1n3!!!!11111" type of spam you expect. They are using like some type of AI to generate somewhat reasonable sounding posts. Even so, it is obviously a bot, so many new members with 1 post totally unrelated to S3D. What gives?

Re: Cartoon Network Going 3-D.

Posted: Fri Aug 14, 2009 11:29 pm
by martinlandau
Cyber what gives? Well there are 7 billion people on this planet and growing, and some are bored, some are employed to create havoc, and some are just NUTZ like me ;) Some of these folks in our matrix live to create huge bot networks for either fun or profit. has thousands of articles about the bot networks and spam lords all over the globe. Fascinating stuff. There was a movie recently called "duplicity" and I agree, modern corporations are a lot like this.

Anyways at siggraph they had about 3 hours of s3d trailers from new movies and tv spots and commercials. They had a very long "beauty and the beast" trailer done in s3d. Now having been pulled to watch this Disney flick many times in 2d by my nieces years ago, I swore to never watch "beauty and the beast" ever again! LOL! But I have to say, it was very impressive what disney is doing s3d wise with animation. I don't think the kids are ever going to want to watch 2d cartoons after seeing s3d cartoons.

Re: Cartoon Network Going 3-D.

Posted: Sat Aug 15, 2009 8:27 am
by Neil
This is a new breed of bot, a horrible viscous type of bot. They aren't there to sell you anything...they are too clever for that. They are called "Bore-Bots". They show up at parties and chat rooms, and take our valuable time away bit by bit. It starts as an innocent forum post, but quickly grows into blogs and editorials. Eventually, you have so little time to read advertising, you buy everything you see with hopes it will bring you joy.



Re: Cartoon Network Going 3-D.

Posted: Sat Aug 15, 2009 2:45 pm
by Likay

Not too bad though. Some of them are nice company. o.O
Besides they increase the number of registered users of 3d which cannot be bad- I'm all in for nice vicious bots :mrgreen:

Re: Cartoon Network Going 3-D.

Posted: Sun Aug 16, 2009 12:48 pm
by Welder
Those bots have been showing up a lot on the iZ3D forums as well ;)

Anyway, on subject.
It's always nice when they have anaglyph on TV :) But, they used to do that in the past with "Home Improvement" and "Drew Carey" in the 90's
So, hopefully this sticks more than that did ;)