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game profile: Prince of Persia, Warrior Within

Posted: Thu Mar 04, 2010 12:15 am
by iondrive
Hi iZ3D fans,

Sorry to disappoint but this game only works in anaglyph mode. Hopefully I can update this when version 2.0 comes out whenever that is. Here's the rest of my notes:

!!! UPDATE : this game works in other output modes if you can get around the SafeDisc protection system. Beware of viruses if you look for a no-CD crack. However, I now believe that iZ3D monitor users probably don't need to do anything like that and the game probably works fine for them unaltered and the profile here is still useful for any output mode.

Prince of Persia, Warrior Within (2004): iZ3D 1.10


This is one of those games that only work in anaglyph mode with this driver. You probably don't want to play it this way so wait till they fix it or use another stereo driver that works. This is another game that really needs good autofocus but there is a workaround that works great. If you want to play it in anaglyph, then the only other problem is that the HUD is too close and I don't know how to fix that except for a workaround described below that gets you a good HUD in one eye.

Game notes:

Camera - a 3rd person game with normally good camera-control. Camera movement is often restricted by the surroundings.
This is the one where he starts in a battle on the deck of a ship at sea.
Game has a long video at new-game start and I don't know how to bypass it.
This game is often very gray and so not that good for s3d that already dulls colors.
Game has cool acrobatic combat moves and is sometimes pretty violent. Other times it's just a climbing/jumping platform adventure game.

iZ3D issues: tested with 7800GTX-162.50 + iZ3D-1.10

1 ) only works in anaglyph mode - no fix. Other 3d output modes give a "can't load output dll" error if on-screen messages are enabled. Personally I prefer red-cyan instead of Optimized anaglyph since that makes things too yellow.

2) HUD - bad depth - no real fix yet but usable if you don't need on-screen help-text or use the 1-eyed HUD work-around.
Details: Help-text offscreen, Health-bar too close but visible.
Workaround-1: Use smaller 3d settings with big-screen projector to help solve HUD problem.
Workaround-2 (preferred): use special feature of iZ3D's driver that only shifts the right-eye view and keeps the left-eye view in-place w/o moving it so that you will always have the left-eye's HUD on-screen no matter what your 3d settings are. In this case I use "separation mode: shift right" (Value=1) and I put it in this profile so that you don't have to change your default. This tries to push the right-eye view of the HUD off-screen so it doesn't bother you. The other trick I use is to SwapEyes so that you see the help text in blue instead of red since that is easier to read that way. Then, since I Swapped eyes, the anaglyph becomes cyan/red instead of cyan/red so take your paper glasses and wear them backwards by bending the paper in the opposite direction. Change it back if you want and see the difference.

3 ) Autofocus: I can't get autofocus to work well but there is a great workaround... manual-auto-focus.
Workaround: use the game's 3 view-keys as your 3d preset keys. This really works well and is already setup for you in the profile below. Just use the standard game's "F" "X" and "Q" view keys to switch views and never use them as on/off toggles. This way, when you change views, your 3d settings get adjusted with the same keystroke and it works really well. These 3d preset hotkeys are set to apply only to this game-profile so it does not change your defaults. If you want to use different keys, you have to change both the game setup and this profile's 3d preset hotkeys to match.

4 ) in-game graphics settings:
Shadows: turn off shadows or you get weird blackness on the floor around your character.
Special effects: max setting seemed OK.
I generally keep Anti-aliasing (FSAA) and Fog off.

5 ) Shutterglassable? Yes, if they fix it. Framerates are usually well over 100 with my 7800GTX.

3d profile settings notes:

Your profile data, for XP users, is in:
C:\Documents and Settings\"windows login name"\Application Data\iZ3D Driver\UserProfile.xml

and for Vista---> C:\Users\"windows login name"\AppData\Roaming\iZ3D Driver\UserProfile.xml

In order to use these settings, insert/replace the following block of text in your UserProfie.xml file.
If you want to save your original settings, save them in a backup file beforehand.

3d Presets are set from least 3d to most:
Preset 1 is for 1st-person view and 3d cutscenes.
Preset 2 is for normal zoom.
Preset 3 is for long-distance area-views.

Code: Select all

    <Profile Name="POP2">
        <File Name="POP2.exe" />
        <ShowWizardAtStartup Value="0" />
        <LaserSightEnable Value="0" />
        <!-- 0 = symmetric, 1 = right shift, 2 = left shift -->
        <SeparationMode Value="1"/>
        <SwapEyes Value="1" />
            <Preset Index="0">
                <One_div_ZPS Value="0.029978" />
                <StereoBase Value="2.080876" />
                <AutoFocusEnable Value="0" />
            <Preset Index="1">
                <One_div_ZPS Value="0.015578" />
                <StereoBase Value="4.969859" />
                <AutoFocusEnable Value="0" />
            <Preset Index="2">
                <One_div_ZPS Value="0.006979" />
                <StereoBase Value="9.794757" />
                <AutoFocusEnable Value="0" />
            <!-- "F" 1st-person key doubles as preset 1 key -->
            <SetPreset1 Key="70" />
            <!-- "X" reset-view key doubles as preset 2 key  -->
            <SetPreset2 Key="88" />
            <!-- "Q" distant-view key doubles as preset 3 key -->
            <SetPreset3 Key="81" />
When they do fix this, you'll be able to use the profile here, but then you'll probably want to delete these three lines in the profile so that you will be using your defaults instead.

<!-- 0 = symmetric, 1 = right shift, 2 = left shift -->
<SeparationMode Value="1"/>
<SwapEyes Value="1" />

miscellaneous notes:

Tried these settings to make the HUD 2d but it didn't work:
<MonoDepthStencilTextures Value="1"/>
<MonoDepthStencilSurfaces Value="1"/>

I haven't played this game much so it's possible that more s3d issues show up in later levels.
DX9, 3.25GB hard drive space.

--- iondrive ---