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Stupid question

Posted: Mon Aug 13, 2007 7:35 pm
by chilledsanity
I'm sure this has been mentioned elsewhere, but I didn't find it, but basically how does the Kind Dragon driver work? The program includes no documentation and simply has the hook/unhook option. Is this is a standalone driver? Does this have any advantage over the Nvidia drivers for people with 7000 series/XP? How exactly is it activated and how are the settings altered? Again, sorry for the dumb questions here, but I feel like I'm in the dark.

Posted: Mon Aug 13, 2007 7:53 pm
by Likay
I'm no expert but i have tinkered some with it. To make stereo work with dragons hook you must have the .xml-file for the games executable. Kinddragons have 3 games preconfigured. To configure more games it's easiest to simply copy one xml-file to another and then name it to the games .exe-file. For example name it to TRA.xml and put it where the other ones are. The xml's are in two places though. When i tinkered with it i copied the made up xml to both places. The values within the xml-files can easily be changed by editing them.

Don't expect any super compability, especially with newer games. But you'll be able to play quite a few games in stereo using dual core and a 8800GTX. It's said it probably works with ATI too but i haven't tried that myself. There's no crosshair and personally i had problem getting my shutterglasses to sync well. However, my shutterglasses don't sync well using other solutions as well. I suspect they're leaving this earthly life and seeking other grouds... :?

However: It seems like Kinddragon do this just for fun and it might be so that he has no plans to develop the driver any further. But personally i'm quite impressed of what he managed to do.

Other threads (:

Feel free to ask if you like.


Posted: Tue Aug 14, 2007 7:25 am
by Freke1
I tried it in conjungtion (right word?) with the 91.31 driver pair I normally use with my eDim shutterglasses and 7900 card. I just copied and renamed flatout2.xml to make BF2.xml. Then ran OpenStereo.exe and chose hook. Then tried BF2 but it froze. Flatout 2 works though and can display right and left side by side (for 3D video making). BF 2142 didn't work either. I wish I knew how You program a driver. Someone invite Kind Dragon and Peter Wimmer (and others) to make a new 3D driver. These guys know stuff about 3D.

Posted: Tue Aug 14, 2007 11:14 am
by LukePC1
If you use Nvidia S-3D drivers AND dragons hook, be shure to turn off Nvida's S-3D.
Flatout 2 worked on my brothers X800GTO with it. Unfortunatly the pageflipping mode is not good supported (just with ultra stable frame Rate at Refresh rate...)
To configure it, you'll have to edit the .xml files. It can't be done ingame.

So if you have a 7x00 it's better to stay with Forceware drivers...