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dog... :)

Posted: Mon Jul 30, 2007 11:27 pm
by sharky

so guys, one week ago i bought a dog.. her name is neela. (doesn't it sound like the female version of Neil?!?!?! :D)

here she is:

she has some breathing problems.. but we don't understand what it it caused from...



Posted: Tue Jul 31, 2007 12:15 am
by Neil
I hope that super cute puppy works out her breathing problems. She is so CUTE!!! :o

This is Tuo-Te and Cuddles. Cuddles is on the left, and Tuo-Te is on the right. I've had Tuo-Te for over twelve years now, and Cuddles walked into our lives about four years ago. They look like an old married couple, don't they!



Posted: Tue Jul 31, 2007 8:33 am
by tentaclesex
I hope you figure out what's going on with her breathing too. She's adorable.

Neil, I'll see your photo of cats licking each other, and raise you a video! These are my two kitties: ... 9765225386

Posted: Tue Jul 31, 2007 9:08 am
by Neil
Cute! Did you get them at the same time?

My wife and I love our cats. At the end of the day, they are OUR masters, not the other way around.

Cuddles (the black cat) earns her name with every pound. Many people think cats are aloof, but not this one. We call her a feline lap dancer because the moment you sit down on a couch, she fumbles her way onto your lap. Years ago, when we had a house warming party, she went from lap to lap to lap like Goldylox looking for the right bed to sleep in.

Tuo-Te is a people cat too. He won't sit on your lap, but he is always in the room with you as a professional host. When I get up in the morning, my wife and cat are sitting side by side watching the news on the couch, and when you walk in a room, he tends to look at you in a way that almost says "Please - have a seat! How was your day?"

They get the best treatment in the house. Cuddles, as lovable as she is, doesn't bury! She is so %*$&^ lazy! She'll take a stinky dump, rub her paws on the litterbox walls (to wash her hands), and leaves her pile behind!

There's a funny story behind this. The first week they were together, Cuddles had moved into Tuo-Te's apartment (my apartment). She left her mark, and Tuo-Te gave us this horrified look of "Oh my God! She didn't bury! THAT PIG!!!"

The room started to stink, and it got so bad, TUO-TE went into the carrier and buried for her!

Well, Cuddles never learned her lesson, and we were the ones who were suffering, so we bought them an electric litter box that does the burying automatically.

It sounds crazy, I know! :o

Our cats get the best!


Posted: Tue Jul 31, 2007 9:33 am
by tentaclesex
We had Nookie (the tabby) for about a year before we got Chewie (the tortoiseshell). They're both girls.

For a couple of days, Nookie did nothing but growl at Chewie. It frightened us at first, because we had never heard a sound like that come out of her. After a while things cooled down, and as you can see they're pretty close now. :)

Nookie will happily lick you all day. If you try to move away, then she'll scratch the poop out of you and bite you. As soon as you stop squirming, she'll go back to licking.

Chewie tends to run away and hide, but when she's in the mood for love, she's totally crazy. If she lets you pet her, she'll start drooling, she'll claw at the wall, and she'll go so limp that she falls off the bed if she's near the edge. Butt scratches are the best way to get her in the mood. :)

Posted: Tue Jul 31, 2007 10:47 am
by sharky
the first time i hear that "gamers don't have a heart" i take the keyboard and put it there where the sun doesn't shine... :D

everybody is free to decide where the sun doesn't shine.. :D :lol:

Posted: Sat Aug 11, 2007 7:56 am
by Freke1
Nice pics :P
I don't have a dog, but 2 aquariums:
Very easy to feed and no barking.
Dogs are nice though - they are fun. :D

Posted: Wed Aug 15, 2007 4:51 am
by sharky
ok for her breathing problems:

it is a genetic problem. (this will be fun now to explain... :lol:) this kind of small dogs often have this kind of problem. actually it is that the "tube" through wich she breatsh is a bit smaller in one point. and when she relaxes (example sleeping) the hole gets smaller because the muscles are relaxed and she needs less air.but when she wakes up the tube is still small and relaxed but she need more air.. and that is why she has problems to breath. there is nothing to do, but fortunately it is not dangerous for her.. :)



Posted: Sat Sep 08, 2007 10:47 pm
by Neil
I have two aquariums too!

My wife and I are going through a move, and while I don't have photos to share with you yet, with the help of another friend, we moved our 50+ gallon tank today. We'll do the 25 gallon next week.

We lost a large Zebra Danio, but everybody else made it.

One of our favorites is a Salvini Chichlid who we call "Mr. Googly Eyes". When we lifted his "travel bag" out of the bucket, my friend noticed four tiny leaks. HE BIT THROUGH THE BAG!!!!

Bad fish! BAD FISH! :lol:

Actually, I now smell of bad fish. :P


Re: dog... :)

Posted: Sat Apr 25, 2009 10:27 am
by Neil
Hi Guys!

Little bit of sad news to share. Cuddles, one of our cats, is very ill.


Cuddles is the black one. She has lost a lot of weight, but the vet did blood work, and he thinks it is more to do with an infection than a long term problem like diabetes, kidneys, or liver. We call her my wife's "Vice President" because I can never win an argument when Cuddles is in the room (I have two bosses).

Any of you have experience finding encouraging foods for cats to eat? The number one concern our vet has is she isn't eating enough, and this is triggering blood work problems. While the infection is present, her appetite isn't the same.

Any ideas?


Re: dog... :)

Posted: Sat Apr 25, 2009 1:50 pm
by Likay
Animals over all commonly loose their apetite when their ill (just like us). They rather be alone to heal.
If your cat had a big weightloss (and weight loss is because bad apetite and bad bloodwork because of that) it could be fixed by varying the food. It feels like something else is matter though. :( Take it a listtle easy though: Varying the food can also cause her eating less if she hasn't had varied food before...
I don't have any real good tips since you been at the vet so i can only hope it isn't something serious and that she recovers soon.

Re: dog... :)

Posted: Sat Apr 25, 2009 3:58 pm
by Welder
I have 1 Kitty, who's name is Gracie :)

Here she is:

And cuddling with me:

So, yes gamers DO have hearts :P

I tend to like dogs, but I'm alone in an apartment, so that makes it far more difficult. :)
She's awesome though.. she even plays FETCH! And likes to climb up me and sit around my shoulders when I'm walking around..

Part cat, part dog, and part Parrot.

Is your cat drinking abnormally large amounts of water? And is the cats urine normal looking/smelling?
My mom and I lost our long term family cat that I had since I was 8 to failing of the kidneys :( And she drank a loooot of water, wouldn't eat, and the urine was very orange and smelled terrible.

Re: dog... :)

Posted: Sat Apr 25, 2009 4:26 pm
by Neil
Hi Guys,

We will have to wait until tomorrow to see if she improves. She gets an inflammation in her eye every year to year and a half, and this effects other things too. She is on antibiotics and an anti-inflammatory. She drinks normally, but her appetite is limited.

The doctor said her blood work doesn't indicate a kidney or liver problem yet, but it has been impacted by her diet. We will monitor her.


Re: dog... :)

Posted: Sat May 02, 2009 2:15 pm
by Neil
Hi Guys,

I'm very sorry to report that we had to put Cuddles down today. She was a very special animal, and we will miss her dearly.

Thank you all for your best wishes.


Re: dog... :)

Posted: Sat May 02, 2009 3:43 pm
by yuriythebest
Neil wrote:Hi Guys,

I'm very sorry to report that we had to put Cuddles down today. She was a very special animal, and we will miss her dearly.

Thank you all for your best wishes.

sorry to hear about that

Re: dog... :)

Posted: Sun May 03, 2009 1:39 am
by Likay

Re: dog... :)

Posted: Sun May 03, 2009 11:01 pm
by sharky
Neil wrote:Hi Guys,

I'm very sorry to report that we had to put Cuddles down today. She was a very special animal, and we will miss her dearly.

Thank you all for your best wishes.


im really sorry to hear this.. :(

a hug to you and pam..


Re: dog... :)

Posted: Mon May 04, 2009 9:45 pm
by metalqueen
Thanks. She was a wonderful companion. Neil and I appreciate your support.