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Posted: Sun Jul 15, 2007 6:00 am
by sharky
Hi guys!

first of all this tutorial will be a very long one. and i will need several days to write it down. so here are the points i am going to explain, and whenerver i add that point to the tutorial i write the date after the point. also the topic title will have its refreshdate inside.

i am italian so there will be a lot of errors here... just tell me and i correct them.

so first of all.. the points:

1 Understand the coaster's height - 07.15.07
2 Remove the bumps between track peaces - 07.15.07
3 the option "Make straight" - 07.15.07
4 3D mode - 07.15.07
5 the "Ctrl" key - 07.15.07
6 Move the whole track - 07.15.07
7 the correct sequence douring the creation - 07.15.07
8 check the caracteristichs before completing the coaster - 07.16.07
9 clipping problems - 07.16.07
10 the height of the free nodes - 07.16.07
11 the "display" menu - 07.16.07
12 setting up the breaks part one
13 setting up the breaks part two
14 color settings
15 the function "Lock Handles"
16 properties of the coaster
17 central wagons durin construction
18 correct sequence for placing the segments
19 position of saved elements
20 create realistic flat curves
21 Hints about direction changes

-------- followings are not shure!
22 tools Gravimetric studios
23 tools Buster
24 various tools


1 Understand the coaster's height
How can you know how heigh your coaster will be? go to a side view, now you can move the cursor around and pass over the track peaces you have placed before. on the top left of the window there are the coordinates. the Y one is the height in Meters.

2 Remove the bumps between track peaces
Sometimes it happens that you find "bumps" between track peaces. (also called "jerk" on some nolimits pages) In that case you have to switch to the "ride on coaster view" and go several times trough the track! if you find segments with too sharp curves, or edges or things like that, you have to work on te coaster arms, move the white balls around but STAYING int his view. its important because else qou won't get a smooth track.

3 the option "Make straight"
The lift and the breaks should ALWAYS be straight. (for brakes it counts only if it is not a "trim break") for that click on the interested segment and press "i" on your keyboard.

4 3D mode
The 3d mode is really important! Just immagine to have a very long track in a very small place. the track will cross itself several times, and there will be a lot of beams and tubes. If you don't use 3D view you cant work properly on the track. To enter in the 3D view just press the "3D" button! now you can move obvects around, but you will soon notice that it is nearly impossible to move things exactly vertical! to do that select what you want to move, and move it with the buttons "page up" and "page down". it will move exactly vertical. you can use the buttons W A S D for moving around and the mouse for looking around. to look around press the right mouse button once and then look around untill you press the right mouse butotn again.

5 the "Ctrl" key
with the "ctrl" key you can select more items at the same time. it is usefull if you want to put a long peace of track higher.

6 Move the whole track
click on EDIT then SELECT ALL and now you can move the whole track around.. very usefull if you started in the wrong place.

7 the correct sequence douring the creation
this is very important! FIRST create the WHOLE, FINISHED track, then use the terraformer to create hills and seas, and at last put the tubes and the steal beams in... else you have to redo the ecodn and thirs step every time you make some changes to the track.

8 check the caracteristichs before completing the coaster
Sometimes it can happen that you need to check your coaster even if it is not finished. for example if you need to check the G-Forces, or if a cammelback is to high for your actual speed. In that cases you just need to go to "edit" and select "connect" then you can start the simulator. when finished you siply go to "edit" again and select "disconnect" to continue editing you track

9 clipping problems
It happens sometimes that you ahve some tubes or beams going trough the track. You absolutely have to AVOID that.

10 the height of the free nodes
If you need to put some free nodes at the same height you probably don't want to set them all one by one. you can easily put them all at the same height! simply put the first one at the height you want, than switch to top view and press "left" and then "right". in that way you have moved the free node without changing its position because it moved left and then came back to the right position. now that you moved it the program remembers the height! place all the following ones and notice that the are all at the same height!

11 the "display" menu
If you go back to point 4, you will notice that we had a problem because of to many objects placed in the scenery. by clicking on the "display" menu you can enable and disable whatever you want.

Posted: Mon Jul 23, 2007 11:13 pm
by sharky
Hi guys! i am sorry for beeing late on this, had a busy time. i am going to continue as soon as possible!

