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Dial m For Murder 3D

Posted: Mon Oct 12, 2009 7:07 am
by Gae43
OK, so a while back, I contacted the Warner Bros online store and asked them if they they had any plans to release "Dial M For Murder" and "House of Wax" in field sequential 3D. I got the usual stock answer of "no plans as of yet" etc.
Frustrated with the quality of the field sequential version that is around I decided to have a go at my own version from various sources. Please be aware that as of today, I have bought 3 different versions of this film on DVD so I think that about covers any areas of concern over bootlegging etc. I don't sell any of my conversions...they are purely for my own personal home use.
I have nearly finalised my own home made 3D side by side version of this film and I have to say, in a few places it looks wonderful (more on that in a bit) whereas the other 95% of the film is a huge improvement on the bootleg field sequential version around.
For anyone interested, here is the method I am using.
I bought both the restored region 1 release and the Korean region 0 version.
DVDBeaver has a side by side comparison of each release ... murder.htm
I discovered, thanks to DVDBeaver's observations, that there are 9 minutes and 5 seconds of the 3D film contained within both versions. After a little bit of colourising and sharpening the poorer quality korean version, I have managed to come up with a near perfect quality 3D side by side version of these particular scenes. For the rest of the film, I have taken the restored colour from the warner DVD release and transferred it to the field sequential version. Sadly, the japanese subtitles from the field sequential version are still in one eye...but they now appear transparent and don't detract much. There are a lot of scenes where there is no dialogue and hence no subtitles.
I am proud to say that I must now own one of the very few examples of near perfect side by side 3D to the film "Dial M For Murder". I have to state that this is purely for my own use and I do not sell or trade these conversions. I would be happy though to put up a short clip of a scene for anyone interested if it doesn't infringe any copyright rules here.

Could anyone point me to a decent free file hosting site please?


Re: Dial m For Murder 3D

Posted: Tue Oct 13, 2009 5:38 am
by 3dingames
hi Gae43,

great work" onclick=";return false;

Marco Neiva.

Re: Dial m For Murder 3D

Posted: Tue Oct 13, 2009 3:24 pm
by Gae43
Thanks Marco.....will upload a clip in a while.


Re: Dial m For Murder 3D

Posted: Wed Oct 14, 2009 6:09 am
by Gae43
Clip uploaded to Filefactory...... ... M_clip_avi" onclick=";return false;


Re: Dial m For Murder 3D

Posted: Sun Jul 31, 2011 11:29 am
by EPC

I am very much into all things 3D. I have just spent ages getting a 1980's Japanese obsolete format disk of Dial M for Murder in 3D as good as I can. The player was itself Murder to find. I've got it all lined up with transferred colour, but its far from perfect. De-interlased and side-by-side the resolution is a miserable 310 per side and even that is cropped.

Then by chance I found your posting here. I would love to have a copy! I would even make a donation to a charity of your choice.

The only thing I would love more is for Warner Brothers to release it properly. I for one would queue for hours to see it at the cinema again (saw it at the film-museum in Amsterdam 10 years ago) and then queue for hours again own it as a digital copy.

Re: Dial m For Murder 3D

Posted: Mon Aug 01, 2011 4:44 pm
by Gae43
PM me your E-Mail and I'll send it to you. If it's too big I'll upload it again when I get the chance. Can't remember the size of it.

If I put it up on the YT3d player would I get any copyright problems with Warner Bros? The clip is only a few minutes long and taken from two official DVDs that I bought.


Re: Dial m For Murder 3D

Posted: Mon Aug 01, 2011 5:08 pm
by cybereality
Putting it on YouTube is probably not the best idea, even though you could probably get away with it. I was forced by Paramount Pictures to take down a 5 minute video I had converted to 3D (from Gladiator). I also had a clip of Batman Begins up on YT3D, but I pre-emptively took it down so I didn't get into further problems. Now my YouTube account has a strike against it (if I get more complaints they can cancel my account). It also means I cannot do certain things, like post unlisted videos. Kind of annoying.

Re: Dial m For Murder 3D

Posted: Wed Jan 25, 2012 9:50 pm
by dokworm
If you want to send me the source files, I can remove the subtitles from the other eye for you, I do a frame by frame restoration, and would love to help preserve this film.

