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I don't want to give up on S-3D

Posted: Tue Sep 15, 2009 5:20 am
by CountViceroy
So a few years ago I became intersted in stereoscopic gaming. My girlfriend got me a pair of E-dimensional wireless that were supposed to work with lcd monitors. I never was able to get it to work. Then about 6 months ago I came back ,and tried again, tried my darndest. It just wouldn't work well at all. I did a lot of poking around on the web, and trying many different drivers, including their new (at the time) Core3D drivers.

I eventually decided to try anaglyph. This allowed me to see S-3D on my monitor for the first time. I looked at a few anaglyph photos, some of which looked quite good. As far as gaming in anaglyph I tried the IZ3d driver. It worked very well on Overlord (which unfortunately wasn't that fun a game, but on a lot of other games i had trouble. Today I came back to it. I was trying to play BattleFront 2 on PC. But there were problems, kinda big ones. I'd line up one object in terms of seperation and the other iz3d stat (convergence), but other items would not be synced up so well, particularly the gun in my hands, in front of me, there would be a blue version on one side, a red on the other, and in the middle on oddly rendered purely white one. Not good stuff.

I'd sure like to experience S-3D as well as I can, or at least pretty well.

I have a GeForce 9800 GTX and a samsung 204B monitor, all of which are running on windows XP (32 bit).

Can anyone point me towards the best way of being able to use my shutter glasses with the system (they never synced right), or at least have the anaglyph work well? I'd surely apreciate it, the # of hours I've done searching for solutions on and off has been pretty bad.

Also, I have an inclination to think that a good stereoscopic 3D enable Head Mounted Display (like the Vuzix ones) would probably be the best, in terms of the 3D, and in terms of immersion. Is that the case?

Re: I don't want to give up on S-3D

Posted: Tue Sep 15, 2009 12:10 pm
by Welder
Hello! For shutter glasses you need at least a 120hz LCD Monitor, or a CRT Monitor.

As far as anaglyph, did you try Neils tutorial for 3D settings? It can be very helpful. Check here: ... ews_id=44/" onclick=";return false;

Re: I don't want to give up on S-3D

Posted: Tue Sep 15, 2009 4:36 pm
by Freke1
About the eDimensionals shutterglasses and a standard 60Hz LCD monitor many people have written it doesn't work. I have never heard about someone who got it to work properly (this is apparently a mystery to eDimensional).

XP rules out Nvidia's new 3D driver for anaglyph 3D.

So use iZ3D's driver. Install, hit * button on numpad on keyboard to turn 3D on, and adjust with +, -, shift+ and shift- on numpad. Basicly.

To avoid the red blue gun You can adjust like this:
and then adjust to Your liking. With red/blue glasses there can be a lot of ghosting if You don't have some good glasses like these:[youtube][/youtube]

However if You like 3D You will like the better solutions like Nvidia's 3D vision/Zalman monitor or iZ3D's monitor. Reading from forums it sounds like the HMD's are ok, but a monitor better. Correct me if I'm wrong?
With 2 cameras You can make Your own 3D pictures or 3D videos very easy.

Re: I don't want to give up on S-3D

Posted: Tue Sep 15, 2009 5:09 pm
by yuriythebest
Freke1 wrote: I have never heard about someone who got it to work properly (this is apparently a mystery to eDimensional).
actually I did hear about this ONE guy who got it to work on his LCD (it's buried deep in these forums somewhere), but the 99.9% of other people here like myself have had zero success in this. I wouldn't waste my money. Edimensional has very nifty marketing- just today some random youtube user asked me about edimensional- he said he was unsure if the glasses would work but that edimensional assured him they would and sent him this email:

Thank you for contacting eDimensional. The glasses work on any LCD with a VGA connection, however, the lower the refresh rate the more flicker that you might fine noticeable.

I am sure you will be thrilled with the E-D products and accessories and please let me know if you have any other questions. We look forward to receiving your order.

my reply to him

hi! edimensional got me the same way- I have several LCD screens and it worked on none of them. the catch is that 99.99% of LCD's in the market have a max of 75hz but the last 10 hz are actually fake/doubled so you have to put it to 65 and it won't work in 65 (you will just see a blurry mess, no 3d). ask in the forums (forums about stereoscopic 3d) you will hear no different. The iz3d drivers will work on all Nvidia, ati and I think also on intel video cards
the simple fact is the edimensional glasses will only work on very high end LCD's that can do 100-120hz

As freke1 said, the edimensional glasses are more or less snakeoil unless you plan to use them with a CRT (bulky monitor), otherwise get an iz3d/nvidia 3d vision/zalman

btw later that user informed me he was getting the zalman 22' + iz3d drivers (since he was using xp).

Re: I don't want to give up on S-3D

Posted: Tue Sep 15, 2009 5:56 pm
by cybereality
Don't even get me started with eDimensional, a bunch of scammers they are. For all intents and purposes shutter glasses do not work with LCD screens except for the 2 special 3d-compatible 120Hz monitors (that Nvidia's 3D Vision support). The other 99.9% of LCD monitors will not work at all. There was one random poster a long time ago that claimed he got it to work but knowing eDimensional he was probably on the pay-roll. I can't imagine how many other people they have disappointed with their false advertising. Hopefully they will get with the times and bring a new product to market at some point because CRT is dead and it aint coming back.

In terms of getting those glasses working on an LCD, not gonna happen. You could try to find a used CRT model for cheap (preferably one that can do 100Hz+) and that will indeed work with the glasses, however then you have to deal with the crappy edimensional drivers (since the Nvidia drivers will not work with an 9800 card). Anaglyph is one option, and is not a bad choice while you save up for a real solution. I recommend getting these glasses which work well with the iz3d drivers:" onclick=";return false; . Once you learn how to adjust the settings you can actually get a decent image with only anaglyph. I would say its anywhere from 25-40% of the experience of a real 3d monitor under the right conditions. You can also try the DDD TriDef Ignition drivers but they cost money and don't have as much compatibility as the iz3d.

If you are going to spend some real money on a monitor I recommend the Zalman Trimon 22" which sells for under $300. I've had one for over a year and I am very happy with it. Next I would say the IZ3D monitor, which is also around $300. And lastly the Vuzix VR920 (also around $300), which is an ok solution but I think you will have more fun with the monitor (I know I am). Although the 3D is nice on the headset, the FOV is really narrow so even a decent size monitor (like 22") is more immersive in my opinion.

Re: I don't want to give up on S-3D

Posted: Thu Oct 01, 2009 5:52 pm
by CountViceroy
thank you very much for your insight guys. The things that you said made a lot of sense, particularly that last part about the Vuzix classes. I did have a great interest in them, primarily for immersion but when I read that they have a 30° field of vision I was quite concerned about that. It would be wonderful if someone would create a head mounted display that had nearly 180°. Perhaps that would be possible if they were to create a larger screen, and use the lenses that are in place, which are used to make the object appear distant and actually use them to view only a portion of this very large screen, a portion of which were actually be off in the edges of your peripheral vision. However I suppose that might involve focusing your eyes too closely together. Do you guys suppose that great advances in head mounted displays will evolve with the advent of OLEDs?

Re: I don't want to give up on S-3D

Posted: Thu Oct 01, 2009 5:57 pm
by cybereality
CountViceroy wrote:Do you guys suppose that great advances in head mounted displays will evolve with the advent of OLEDs?
See this thread:" onclick=";return false;