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Team Time

Posted: Sun Jun 24, 2007 5:01 am
by sharky
hi all! install team time! it lest you know what time it is where the other users live! its freeware and you can download it here: ... -Time.html

just write down below your personal settings! mine are:

name: Sharky (Igor)
Timezone: GMT +1 (italy)
Daylight savings: on
Aviability from: 18:00
to: 21:00 (douring the week only.. on weekends 12 hours a day.. :) )
msn: sharkyenergy AT

how to add somebody:

go to "file --> new" and create a new list.. call it however you want! i called it "MTBS3D"

now goto "tools ----> add group" and create a new group. it will be added into te he list you created! i called it MTBS3D!

now go to "tools ----> add user" and fill all the fields you want! but remember that if you don't fill the fild GROUP nothing will happen!

now repeat step 3 for every user you want to add...

byeeeeeeee i wait for your data!

Re: Team Time

Posted: Sun Jun 24, 2007 9:38 am
by Freke1
mine are:

name: Freke1
Timezone: GMT +1 (Denmark)
Daylight savings: auto
Aviability from: 17:00 to: 23:00