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Stop smoking - it's easy!

Posted: Thu Aug 27, 2009 5:25 pm
by Freke1
Here is something for smokers:

dude 1 : "It's incredible easy to stop smoking."
dude 2 : "Why?"
dude 1: "Because we are not addicted to cigarettes."
dude 2: "What?"
dude 1: "we are addicted to nicotin."
dude 2: "Same thing!"
dude 1: "No it's not. There's nicotin in gum also. Buy it instead of cigarettes!
we don't need cigarettes - we just need nicotine. Buy it tomorrow. It's so easy!"


(I use Nicotinell Mint 2mg gum - they're tasty!)

PS: You can chew gum everywhere. Even under water.
PPS: Do You live in Sahara? Do You want sand? Call me - I can deliver!

Re: Stop smoking - it's easy!

Posted: Thu Aug 27, 2009 6:58 pm
by cybereality
I wouldn't go as far to say that its easy to quit, but you can definitely do it. I used to chain smoke cigarettes (2 packs a day) for almost 10 years. I finally quit last year, and I did it using the Nicorette gum. It really does work. I used the gum for about a month or two and then quit that too. So I've been smoke-free for over a year and I haven't looked back. With a pack of cigarettes now costing $10 where I live, I can't believe how much money I am saving. Smoking sucks.

Re: Stop smoking - it's easy!

Posted: Thu Aug 27, 2009 10:27 pm
by yuriythebest
It's almost impossible to stop smoking forever. I am lucky cause I never started but 95% of my fellow students smoke.

Re: Stop smoking - it's easy!

Posted: Fri Aug 28, 2009 6:56 am
by Likay
I was a heavy passive (parents chainsmoked) smoker in younger years. (Oh, those times with yellowcolored almost not see through car windshield or wallcoverings at home changing colornuance from white to yellow... :roll: )
I can't stand cigarettes or the smoke from them but occasionally fire up a waterpipe for the fun of it. :P

Re: Stop smoking - it's easy!

Posted: Fri Aug 28, 2009 7:27 am
by Gae43
I smoked around 10-15 a day for 20 years...but following a life changing experience (dad died in a car crash) decided to quit, used ordinary gum and have been clean now for almost 10 years. I will never ever be tempted to go back to it again. The one drawback is that I put on one and a half stone and haven't been able to shift the extra weight, no matter how hard I try. :cry:


Re: Stop smoking - it's easy!

Posted: Wed Sep 02, 2009 1:06 am
by metalqueen
I also smoked for a long time. I smoked at least a pack a day on and off for 11 years. It will be 8 years in November that I quit. Now I am one of those bitchy ex-smokers that I thought I'd never be! :lol: Smoking does suck!

Re: Stop smoking - it's easy!

Posted: Wed Sep 02, 2009 1:05 pm
by Welder
Smoking is horrible.. My mom has smoked since she was like 18, now she's in her mid 50's and STILL smokes...

Always says she wants to stop.. but still can't get herself to do it =/