3D TV channel coming to UK next year

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3D TV channel coming to UK next year

Post by yuriythebest »

http://www.engadget.com/2009/07/30/3d-t ... glasses-r/" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;

We can still remember the days, not too long ago, that HD channels were but a sparse luxury. Now of course they're a dime a dozen, but you can still look onward to the next big thing, which BSkyB is wagering will be 3D. The satellite broadcast is gearing up to launch a 3D television station next year to showcase movies, and sports -- the latter of which we're thinking will be the biggest draw. Any customer with a Sky+ HD box can receive the transmission, but you're also gonna need to look past that ragged old flat-panel HDTV and instead use a 3D-ready set and glasses. We can't imagine a huge demand for this anytime in the near future, but if the technology does take off, they'll be more than ready to capitalize.
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Re: 3D TV channel coming to UK next year

Post by Silversurfer »

Yes please, and I might just go from Virgin to BSkyB if the quality is good. :-)
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