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More Planar style DIY

Posted: Tue Jul 21, 2009 9:59 pm
by WheatstoneHolmes
This guy put his 2 lcds next to each other temporarily and they seem to work just fine without a "planar" stand or frame.


Here is the post: ... 32547.html

Re: More Planar style DIY

Posted: Tue Jul 21, 2009 11:08 pm
by cybereality
Thats not a bad solution, but its a bit clunky for my tastes. I like room on my desk.

Thats why I trashed my old CRTs (I had 4 of them OMG, they took up like my whole room!).

Re: More Planar style DIY

Posted: Tue Aug 04, 2009 8:45 am
by zazoo
I saw that original post before I build my planar cabinet. Having the monitors and mirror oriented that way works, but for me there were a few issues:

1. A cabinet will block out ambient light.
2. A cabinet will protect the mirror (which can be expensive, if you invest in a real half-silvered mirror).
3. A cabinet will protect you from cutting yourself on the edges of the mirror (yes, its true—I have fallen asleep while gaming and have woken up upon banging my head against my desk/monitor/cabinet :lol: ).
4. The most subjective issue: esthetics. I like symmetry, and (even though the image produced would be fine) I do not like the idea of having one edge of the mirror (and on the opposite side, a monitor edge) nearer to one side of my face—I would be constantly aware of its presence. With the vertical monitor setup, things remain symmetrical and my obsessive-compulsive tendencies are suppressed :)

Because of these issues, I bit the bullet and put together a cabinet. It was a little time consuming, but fun to do. Having said all this, I think trying out the orientation in the original post above is a good proof of concept for those looking to try out a planar setup without a lot of effort.


Re: More Planar style DIY

Posted: Thu Aug 06, 2009 12:07 pm
by agniusm
well said. I like simetry too. You build a box and you have 3D screen lookin like TV's from 80's ;)
I have build mine on frame rather than box. Works for 15" screen allright. If i would build another setup with let say 26" LCD's would go for steel box with tilting stand, relocate controls etc like this:

I know that planar setup 3d is bulky and there is more tidy solutions but somehow for me it has some charme

Re: More Planar style DIY

Posted: Fri Aug 07, 2009 4:57 am
by zazoo
That's a great looking design agniusm--I like it!