UK moviegoers treated to industry's first interactive 3Dgame

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UK moviegoers treated to industry's first interactive 3Dgame

Post by yuriythebest »

Now here's a way to make us show up for the previews. O2 has evidently figured out that getting moviegoers involved in the action is a good way to get more fundaments in seats, and starting next week, the first in-cinema interactive 3D game will be rolled out in 20 Vue theaters around the UK. The title, dubbed Asteroid Storm, will rely on two overhead cameras that recognize hand raises down below. In short, moviegoers simply move their hands to direct a damaged spaceship out of an asteroid belt, but there's no word on whether or not "everyone's a winner." Here's hoping not, chumps.
right.. if only there was a way to play this in the home.. o wait! **goes back to playing UT3 and Trine on the iz3d**
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Re: UK moviegoers treated to industry's first interactive 3Dgame

Post by UndeadD3vi1 »

Umm... How can the audiance control 1 space ship. Thats absurd! I wouldn't feel involved in the "game" at all!

Like yuriy I'm sticking to UT3 on my projector. :woot Even though its Green/Magneta it beats this.
Make up your own opinions, don't believe B.S! Especally when its about a human and spread with the intent of ruing that persons life.

3D is the Future of Viewing Tech, you see in 3D naturally so how can it not be something you want on your screens?!

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