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Enabling laser sight causes hang in DX games.

Posted: Sun May 20, 2007 7:12 am
by scowie
I am using v93.71 of the nvidia gfx & stereo-3d drivers with my Geforce 7950GT.

Games run great in stereoscopic 3d, as long as I dont have the laser sight enabled. If I do, then whenever I turn S-3D on in any Direct3d game, my PC hangs (if im lucky it stutters, showing 1 frame every few seconds which means I can switch it off again to recover).

This really ruins by enjoyment of most FPSs like Far Cry (having to shoot between the 2 crosshairs instead!). Quake 4 is the only game I've tried that runs fine with the crosshair on so I guess OpenGL games dont have this problem.

I also tried enabling the crosshair in an old DirectX game (Revolt). Even though it didnt crash my pc, I got a flickering double image and my shutter glasses didnt turn on.

I have an Intel Core 2 Duo and I have tried switching off the nvidia dual core support in nHancer which makes no difference.

Anyone got any ideas?

Posted: Wed May 23, 2007 2:52 pm
by scowie
FYI, I figured out what was causing my crashes. It was because I had anti-aliasing on. It seems I cant use anti-aliasing and the laser sight at the same time. I haven't heard anything about any other users having this problem, so maybe its just my graphics card (7950gt) that has this problem.

I feel a bit stupid for not figuring this out sooner though. I ended up installing v94.24 of the drivers and then putting my OCed C2Duo back to defaults to no avail. I only solved the problem by accident after losing my Far Cry settings due to a failed restart after switching V-sync settings ingame.

Posted: Wed May 23, 2007 3:10 pm
by Neil
If turning off AA solves my lasersight problem, I will be SUPER THRILLED! :D

Can you test your findings with BF2?

I'm using a 7900GTX.
