iZ3D monitor review at ExtremeTech

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iZ3D monitor review at ExtremeTech

Post by zazoo »

"A Display That Jumps Out—iZ3D H220Z1 3D Monitor" at Extremetech:

http://www.extremetech.com/article2/0,2 ... 288,00.asp
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Re: iZ3D monitor review at ExtremeTech

Post by dreamingawake »

Pretty harsh review.

I'm not sure it's fully accurate though.

I don't see how ANYONE could be THAT dissappointed with the Iz3d monitor.

I have Nvidia's 3d Vision and Iz3d's monitors right next to one another, and
I have to say there are times I prefer the image quality of the Iz3d !

-And that's without new drivers and glasses..

The guy who did the review doesn't know what he's talking about..
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Re: iZ3D monitor review at ExtremeTech

Post by zazoo »

Yes, it was a pretty critical review. I do not own an iZ3D monitor, so I will let the iZ3D users give feedback here and at ExtremeTech.

Its unfortunate that the new glasses were not used in the testing; iZ3D may want to get a pair of those shipped off to the author ASAP so he can update that review.
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Re: iZ3D monitor review at ExtremeTech

Post by Neil »

This was a horribly done review. The moment reviewers put those fancy graphs on talking about color temperature, you know they don't know what they are talking about.

His description of separation and convergence was completely off too, and it is clear that he has no clue how to use S-3D properly. I mean, if the Visual Effects Supervisor for Coraline enjoyed the iZ3D monitor - something is wrong! :P

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Re: iZ3D monitor review at ExtremeTech

Post by yuriythebest »

iZ3D should probably just license their technology to other monitor manufacturers and get out of the hardware business.

on the one hand, I'm sure all their graphs and color measurements were correct, but that's hardly the point. iz3d is a gaming monitor, it says so in the description. Even so, I've had no issues with photoshop or watching tv shows or 2d work- I guess the only people who should truly mind this are people who work in the printing sector where super-precise colors are vital or something. When you are playing the latest 3d game you do NOT care if a color is not the super exact brightness/value, what you care about is that an explosion is exploding out of your screen! and their inability to adjust settings only shows their lack of experience with 3d settings. they totally missed the point.
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Re: iZ3D monitor review at ExtremeTech

Post by cybereality »

Hey, at least they reviewed it. No such thing as bad publicity.
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Re: iZ3D monitor review at ExtremeTech

Post by WheatstoneHolmes »

Here are some more cynical views on 3D from ExtremeTech:

http://www.extremetech.com/article2/0,2 ... 862,00.asp

I came here to chew bubblegum and to see 3D...and I'm all out of bubblegum!
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Re: iZ3D monitor review at ExtremeTech

Post by Likay »

Well... they're letting down every immersive hardware it seems. Nvidia 3d-vision also gets their heads chopped off...
Example of bad journalistic, prejudices and unwillingnes to learn the products maybe? :(
3D never had a chance in former times to hit like in these days. I'm looking forward seeing them proven wrong in a soon future. :P
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Re: iZ3D monitor review at ExtremeTech

Post by zazoo »

WheatstoneHolmes wrote:Here are some more cynical views on 3D from ExtremeTech:

http://www.extremetech.com/article2/0,2 ... 862,00.asp


Yeah--another cynical article. When that article first came out, I responded to the author in the discussion section (I am "zaz123"). The author (Loyd Case) has been around forever in computer and gaming journalism (I even remember reading his articles ages ago in the print edition of PC Magazine), and I was a little surprised by the negative tone of the article. It was, however, an "opinion" article, and many would say the point of these articles is to "take a side" in the interest of debate...the problem is the authors of these types of articles are not painting a complete picture nor are they getting all their facts straight. Its unfortunate to think that gamers are getting discouraged from trying stereoscopic 3D gaming due to these types of articles.

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Re: iZ3D monitor review at ExtremeTech

Post by BlackShark »

I'm not surprized by this review at all.
In fact i find it logical.

For us, 3D monitors are a requirement, if it ain't 3D we can't buy it. So our choices of monitors are very limited... (like 4 monitors in the consumer price range ?) With such a limited choice we are not able to complain appropriately for a product that isn't perfect.

On the other hand these reviewers have seen hundreds of monitors, some cheap and simple ones, some more expansive and filled with gadgets. But the most important feature of a monitor is to display an image and display it accurately. 3D is not a requirement for them, it's an additional feature like all others so there's no reson to separate 3D monitors for standard 2D monitors. The iZ3D monitor is two years old remember ? and even back then it was not high end hardware, it relies on basic hardware to keep the costs down. Now when facing the 2009 new generation of 2D monitors, the iZ3D just can't stand the comparison. It's obvious.

Then about 3D, although the guy didn't understand how to configure the 3d driver perfectly, he did admit that the monitor was easy to install and use. And he reckognized the potential behind the technology, he didn't just bashed it without reason.
About the final remarks about iZ3D stopping making hardware, this is his personnal opinion. I can clearly see that he likes the technology but he is not satisfied with the hardware he has in his hands. He would like to see it improved, and fast like the rest of the monitor industry.
The quickest way to get a new improved monitor would be for a big monitor company (like samsung or viewsonic) to build it so that the monitor would have super duper ergonomics with all the modern features a 2009 monitor must have (hdcp, deep blacks, high contrast, accurate colours, etc... i think this is what he means when he says iZ3D should license the tech and let others build the hardware.

Unfortunately the quickest way is not necessarely the best and iZ3D gets a lot more credit for doing all the stuff inhouse, that is only if the next generation of monitors lives up to the task. We'll have to wait for the new monitors to see if the iZ3D hardware strategy succeeded.
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Re: iZ3D monitor review at ExtremeTech

Post by DavidGhast »

The only panels with accurate colors and deep blacks are S-PVA and S-IPS panels, and to my knowledge you cant do passive polarized with that tech, nor can you get the 120hz needed for nvidia's product to work. Anyone whose worrying about keeping their colorspace legal and accurate isnt going to be using some crappy TN panel anyways.
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Re: iZ3D monitor review at ExtremeTech

Post by BlackShark »

TN pannels have made some significant progress over the last 2-3 years. You can get some pretty decent accuracy with affordable TN-based monitors, which the old iZ3D monitor can't do.
DavidGhast wrote:Anyone whose worrying about keeping their colorspace legal and accurate isnt going to be using some crappy TN panel anyways.
Does this mean that anyone who doesn't buy the expansive slow hardware deserves to get shitty results ?
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Re: iZ3D monitor review at ExtremeTech

Post by DavidGhast »

No, it just means you get what you pay for.
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