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Star Trek Movie: SPOILER ALERT (What did you think)

Posted: Sun May 17, 2009 4:35 pm
by Neil
Hi Guys!

Went to see the Star Trek movie today.

What did you guys think?

For me, it is as though my childhood has been slashed aside in favor of a plot line that can forget the past and get Uhura naked in the minds of millions (though I preferred 60's "Mirror Mirror" alternate universe Uhura - MEOW!).

Your thoughts?


Re: Star Trek Movie: SPOILER ALERT (What did you think)

Posted: Sun May 17, 2009 9:04 pm
by Neil ... re=related" onclick=";return false;


Re: Star Trek Movie: SPOILER ALERT (What did you think)

Posted: Sun May 17, 2009 11:33 pm
by sharky

you mean this movie?


Sorry couldnt resist... :D

Re: Star Trek Movie: SPOILER ALERT (What did you think)

Posted: Mon May 18, 2009 3:03 am
by android78
Well, Niel, you really are letting your true geek shine through now. I mean that in the most affectionate way possible, BTW.
I went to see it on the weekend at imax (not 3d unfortunately) and loved it. I can't claim to be a true star trek fan though. The story was complete and made sense, and had a bit of everything. Came out feeling quite satisfied.

Re: Star Trek Movie: SPOILER ALERT (What did you think)

Posted: Mon May 18, 2009 4:06 am
by RpM63
Very cool photo, btw!

I haven't seen the movie yet in the theater (just the heavily cropped cam version floating around) but I have to say that I enjoyed it for the most part. I sensed elements of all the original character's personalities coming through in all of the new actors...especially McCoy and Spock. Being a big Trek fan all of my life made it easier to accept the new cast because of that.

The plot was passable although I hope the writers can come up with something more original next time instead of an evil villain out for revenge. Also, I'm still not sure how messing with the show's canon on things like Spock's mother dying and his relationship with Uhura sits with me yet. The movie was intended to alter the character's histories somewhat and his mother dying was a direct result of the time traveling villain's destruction of Vulcan but the plot didn't explain why he's hooked up with Uhura. Spock?...the naughty Starfleet instructor?...we'll have to see.

The original cast will always be closest to my heart but being such a Trek fan I'm always open to anything that the franchise has to offer. If it were up to me I'd have a series constantly running on TV and a motion picture every year...RpM

PS...And yes Neil, Uhura's getup in the alternate universe is as far as one needs to go to please a Trekker. Seven of Nine and T'Pol are easy enough on the eyes as well.

Re: Star Trek Movie: SPOILER ALERT (What did you think)

Posted: Mon May 18, 2009 6:02 am
by Neil
I enjoyed the movie! Don't get me wrong.

It's just hard to stomach the idea that every Star Trek, TNG, DS9, and Voyager TV show and movie is now "it never happened". The only thing that IS left in tact is that horrible Enterprise show.


Re: Star Trek Movie: SPOILER ALERT (What did you think)

Posted: Mon May 18, 2009 6:14 am
by yuriythebest
I'm sure there are many exciting adventures to come" onclick=";return false;

Re: Star Trek Movie: SPOILER ALERT (What did you think)

Posted: Mon May 18, 2009 9:28 am
by Neil
Or this one..." onclick=";return false;


Re: Star Trek Movie: SPOILER ALERT (What did you think)

Posted: Mon May 18, 2009 9:34 am
by UndeadD3vi1
Is this movie in 3D? I found a Red/Cyan version of the trailer on YouTube

Re: Star Trek Movie: SPOILER ALERT (What did you think)

Posted: Mon May 18, 2009 10:03 am
by Neil
Not that I know of. ... PL&index=6" onclick=";return false;
