BBC RDTV show mentions stereo3d (download link)

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BBC RDTV show mentions stereo3d (download link)

Post by yuriythebest »

just came across a new show by the BBC research & development department that the BBC offers for free download." onclick=";return false;

download the 30min version

It mentions that they are working on stereo3d, as we have seen from other videos in the past, however they are also working on this "surround tv video" - don't be fooled by the name, it has nothing to do with stereo3d but it does increase immersion and I was quite impressed with some of the things I saw. However, if I ahd the $$$, would I choose that system or a polarized projector rig, or perhaps a combination of a 3d tv and a 3d version of their surround video system, if there was content for it, choices choices. Probably would go with 6 projectors (3 pairs of polarized projector rigs) as I think that would rule- but the heat that'd generate hehehe.
Oculus Rift / 3d Sucks - 2D FTW!!!
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