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Question about Wii Motion Plus Drift in GlovePIE. Also where is Konstantin lozev's script for driftless pitch?

Posted: Wed Feb 07, 2024 10:35 am
by tonytony
Hi. I'm new to this and I've been having fun messing around with GlovePie and my wiimote, though I'm not very smart.

GlovePie came with lednerg's air mouse script which after testing it, it seems to work pretty well for me, but then I had the idea that I could use it to control a game like VR.

After testing it more I now understand that it tends to drift overtime, Yawspeed drifts pretty quickly if I do abrupt movements side to side or spin around too much, and same for pitchspeed for up and down. I understand that Wii Motion Plus was designed for short term gameplay and that's why drift is expected, and I also know that I'm supposed to calibrate. To make things better I try to move slowly and it works ok, and calibrating it is pretty quick when setting in on the table. But I want to try to make it a little better because I expect to use it in an extended amount of time and also use slightly abrupt movements, which would mean that I have to calibrate regularly which is annoying.

I have tried FreePie but it seems too hard for me and I don't even understand how to start (I'd appreciate an example of Wiimote buttons to keyboard to see if I can get it to work) but I'm leaning torwards glovepie since I like it.

So what is the best and most simple way to eliminate drift in GlovePIE? I expect that it can't be completely eliminated and that there might be a tradeoff with accuracy. but I just want to have to calibrate less times.

alternatively instead of a simple solution maybe it has to be more complicated. From what I have learned, the pitch can be aligned by gravity itself, yaw can't use gravity to align itself so maybe the best option is to have it calibrate when pointing at the sensor bar. so maybe I need a hybrid of both of this solutions but the problem is I don't have the knowledge to implement ny ideas.

I'm open to see what other scripts people might have come up with for a "driftless" wiimote air mouse, either for glovepie or freepie.

Also I'm very interested in Konstantin lozev's script for driftless pitch which does what I want for the pitch:

but when you click his script link, it doesn't exist, the other one with older versions needs access permission which I have asked for already.

Does anybody know a way for me to get that script?


Re: Question about Wii Motion Plus Drift in GlovePIE. Also where is Konstantin lozev's script for driftless pitch?

Posted: Wed Feb 07, 2024 8:30 pm
by tonytony
Actually I'm pretty happy with just this:

Code: Select all

var.pitch = Smooth(Delta(Wiimote.SmoothPitch))

if Wiimote.B {
   Fakemouse.DirectInputY -= var.pitch/5000000
   Fakemouse.DirectInputX += var.tilt/  5000000
I now understand that smoothpitch and smoothroll are obtained from gravity and don't drift so I can use them without ever worrying about calibrating.
But I'm still interested in Yaw, which is more natural instead of having to roll my wrist when turning 180ยบ, but it's prependicular to gravity so I think it's probably way more complicated. What do you think?

Re: Question about Wii Motion Plus Drift in GlovePIE. Also where is Konstantin lozev's script for driftless pitch?

Posted: Fri Feb 09, 2024 7:54 am
by Jabberwock
As far as I understand, the only way to eliminate yaw drift is to use the IR sensors. However, these are not implemented in FreePIE.

According to this thread:

it would require writing a separate plugin for FreePIE.