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z800 + wii zapper + glovepie?

Posted: Sat Feb 14, 2009 2:15 am
by vrekks
has anyone used the wii zapper with their z800 in a fps? i was thinking of a good VR setup that would utilize some things i already had and i came up with z800 + trackir + wii zapper + wireless sensor bar + glovepie. do you have a better set up? let me know.

Re: z800 + wii zapper + glovepie?

Posted: Sat Feb 14, 2009 6:45 pm
by genetic
I do. it is great. I use four wiimotes. gun, chest, leg, leg.

Great stuff.

CarlKenner is around here to.

By the way Carl, will glovepie ever support those wireless 3rd party nunchucks?

Re: z800 + wii zapper + glovepie?

Posted: Sun Feb 15, 2009 12:47 pm
by vrekks
let me you control speed by the alternating shaking of your left foot wiimote with your right foot wiimote and control speed based on the frequency of the alternating shakes? the chest wii mote has me thinking its for ducking or crouching. i was never a fan of fifa soccer games but a two foot wii mote setup sounds like fun. i have also played a demo for a mirrors edge and the two foot wii mote thing could be really cool in this game too with all the jumps.

Re: z800 + wii zapper + glovepie?

Posted: Sun Feb 15, 2009 8:56 pm
by genetic
You probably could do that. I have only one speed. For me, each leg needs a wiimote for natural walking and stopping that is also extremely precise. If I cant stop exactly when I need to then I run of a cliff or into enemy fire.

The chest wiimote is for ducking, jumping and leaning.

Re: z800 + wii zapper + glovepie?

Posted: Thu Apr 30, 2009 2:32 am
by Okta
genetic you should do a thread with details of your setup, its sounds awesome.