Hitachi H001 with 3D display leads up KDDI au's Spring 2009

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Hitachi H001 with 3D display leads up KDDI au's Spring 2009

Post by yuriythebest »


So KDDI's latest lineup of new phones features the usual array of 8.1 megapixel cameras, wide VGA displays, one-seg TV tuners, and teleporters, but one particular handset stood out: Hitachi's Wooo H001. The dual-hinge flip's claim to fame -- well, besides the bizarre color scheme -- has to be the stereoscopic IPS display that presumably uses the same parallax barrier method shown off by the carrier late last year. The phone will happily serve up 3D-ified versions of various UI elements and mobile TV content, and when you start to get woozy (or Wooozy, as it were), just flip a switch and you're back to the reassuring flatness you're used to. It'll launch in three colors in April, and naturally, you'll have to be in Japan to get it.
Okay I personally think this is silly- they made a 3d phone but they are wasting the 3d on UI and some video when, with the use of 2 in built webcams you could have 3d video conferencing!
Oculus Rift / 3d Sucks - 2D FTW!!!
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Re: Hitachi H001 with 3D display leads up KDDI au's Spring 2009

Post by Okta »

Silly gimmick indeed.
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Re: Hitachi H001 with 3D display leads up KDDI au's Spring 2009

Post by cybereality »

Yeah, seems like a gimmick. However any progress on the 3d front is still progress. I'm skeptical how well a parallax barrier would work on a handheld device. And yeah, 3d video conferencing would be cool.
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