So I noticed it's not available for sale anymore (I bought it):bo3bber wrote:HelixVision is obsolete.
But I was thinking to recommend it to some people because it works so well with Geo-11.
I think you should bring it back. That's my opinion. I know you refer to VRScreenCap, and while it's good, it's got it's own issues, at least for me, whereas HelixVision doesn't. Just my .02, I think you should bring it back. If you feel like it's obsolete, maybe offer it for free instead of delist it?
For some reason when I use VRScreenCap with my Quest2 via AirLink, the screen judders a lot while I pan my head. When I use virtual desktop from my Quest 2 wirelessly and use VRScreenCap via SteamVR, I don't have that issue for some reason but sometimes the screen gets locked to my face and I don't know why!? I don't know what's triggering it and can't seem to stop it from happening and I don't see anything mentioned about it on the github page.
I think HelixVision is great. Only suggestions are to add MXAA perhaps and/or resolution scaling, and the option to remove the ground so that I can lower my screen without it getting obscured by the ground. It's still very useful for use Geo-11 users.
UPDATE:I modded one of the files in HelixVision to remove the floor. If anyone is interested just download this file here: ... CFbkwu3_ro
extract it, and copy it over the file "level0" in "\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\HelixVision\Tools\Katanga\katanga_Data"
bo3bber LMK if you would prefer me to remove this from my post and I will, hopefully you're cool with it. Thanks.