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GearVR controller drift

Posted: Tue Feb 16, 2021 1:10 pm
by frost7210
Hi guys,

I have a DIY VR setup, I use a Lenovo Mirage Solo tethered to my PC running iVRy, and I use 2 GearVR controllers connected via Bluetooth to my PC, then I made a script on FreePIE with this custom plugin, , that allows me to emulate Vive Wands using the data gathered from it.
But now I have a serious problem, I used quaternions to Euler function to calculate yaw, pitch and roll, but the controllers drift a lot, like 360 spins in 20/30 seconds.
If someone could help me to solve this issue I would be grateful.
I am posting the script if you want to analyze it, but have in mind that some things like fake position are there just for fast testing and it is not definitive.
