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EDID override Ghosting

Posted: Mon Nov 02, 2020 5:38 pm
by DillGill
So when I use 3DTV play, I dont get ghosting unless it is an extreme contrast in very special cases in a game. However, after using the EDID override for my 1080p Passive TV, the ghosting is very noticable in certain games even after lowering my sharpness to 0.

My TV is a Panasonic DT60. I am thinking that I need to adjust the color data in the Acer Passive EDID to match the one in my TV.

Can anyone assist men on how to create a custom INF file that the PC recognizes as Acer but the color data contains my custom settings.

I tried using Moninfo but sadly I may not be using it correctly because when I change any values in the Acer Override copy, device manager sees it as a Panasonic TV instead and reverts back to 3DTV Play.

Re: EDID override Ghosting

Posted: Fri Jan 15, 2021 11:19 am
by PPorquer3D
This is a weird problem that i also encounter with this 3dtv set. i too have used the zalman override- with Iz3d this gets a similar activation using the zalman mode & the interlaced modes

what kills me is that games that are rendered over under don't have this problem & the tv can also modify the colors contrast & brightness when you manually activate the 3d in side by side or over under mode....
but when 3d mode is activated, all values are automatically set & for my taste things have too much color, & are too dark/bright...

one thing that occurs to me is to figure out how to modify these values on the 3dtv itself, you would have to find a technical manual that has the hidden codes for technical adjustments, & maybe you can modify the way the image looks when the 3dtv switches automatically (bluray, xbox360 games, 3dtvplay) -

xbox360 3d games suffer a lot from this ghosting issue, lots of 3dtvplay too, 3d bluy rays , for some reason do not.
but with the pc...
have you tried to modify the resolution used by 3dtvplay? or see if changing contrast & brighntess values in the nvidia panel fix this a bit? (you have to tell nvidia to override the aplications's contrast & brighness)

Re: EDID override Ghosting

Posted: Thu Jul 08, 2021 4:10 pm
by Guig2000
I'm not sure to have understand your issue.
Did you disabled overscan on nvidia control panel and on your TV?