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HELP ME PLEASE: My freepie won't open

Posted: Tue Jun 30, 2020 4:53 pm
by gustavovortex
My freepie won't open, I click it to open it, and nothing happens, when I go to the task manager it's listed as open, but it doesn't actually open

Re: HELP ME PLEASE: My freepie won't open

Posted: Tue Aug 04, 2020 3:01 pm
by lowexi4424
I got exactly same issue, windows 10. It seems like a problem with .net DLLs but i'm not sure.
I realized if i would remove the FreePIE.Core.Plugins.dll from the plugins folder, freepie UI would actually open, but none of the scripts seem to work.
Usually I am getting "name 'keboard' is not defined" or "name 'vJoy' is not defined"