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Oculus Quest - 3D Migoto in DX9 and Virtual Desktop

Posted: Sun Nov 17, 2019 11:58 pm
by Ephedup
Hi everyone! Happy to join the refugees in our new home. Thank you all for that.

Been using 3D Migoto's SBS to stream to Oculus Quest using Virtual Desktop (sideload) and its native SBS/TAB functions to get amazing 3D results for any DX11 games. Using 3D Fix Manager and set to 3D Vision Discover for VR. So it's not anaglyph.

For DX9 games, however, SBS engages properly but stops working as soon as Virtual Desktop connects on the Quest. Neither Control+T or F11 do anything while connected. If I disconnect from Virtual Desktop, stereo comes back immediately.

Again, no issues in DX11. SBS/TAB and Virtual Desktop are glorious. Appears to be isolated to DX9 titles.

I tried searching for answers, but couldn't find anything. I thought about looping in Guy Godin, but figured I'd start here. Any and all suggestions are appreciated.

Re: Oculus Quest - 3D Migoto in DX9 and Virtual Desktop

Posted: Mon Nov 18, 2019 7:14 am
by whyme466
Have you tried HelixVision (see You are more likely to get support here for HelixVision than Virtual Desktop. I do not know if it will solve your DX9 issue, but it may provide a better experience overall...

Re: Oculus Quest - 3D Migoto in DX9 and Virtual Desktop

Posted: Mon Nov 18, 2019 9:49 pm
by skyguy
You are going to get better results in the long run using Helixvision. You lose half the number of pixels when sending a sbs image over to a VR headset. Using Helixvision sends both images to the screen for each eye so you get way better crispness in scenes. And using Oculus link will give you even better image quality from video compression than what Virtual Desktop does.

For slow paced low textured games, streaming wifi over Virtual Desktop works.

For fast paced responsive games combined with high textures, Virtual Desktop can't compare. You will have compromised latency and loss of detail from the SBS conversion.

As for DX9 games, only a few of those games work in Helixvision currently, but a lot more work in DX11.

Re: Oculus Quest - 3D Migoto in DX9 and Virtual Desktop

Posted: Wed Nov 20, 2019 2:11 am
by Ephedup
Thanks for the replies.

I absolutely picked up HelixVision on release day. It deserved the support no matter what. Performance feels comparable with slight differences in Pros/Cons for both. Though, I greatly prefer the flexibility of the Virtual Desktop screen.

In further testing, I found the issue is not limited to DX9 games. Just coincidental in the titles I was attempting. I know a process exists for manually adding "unsupported" games into HelixVision, but have not experimented yet. I'll have to try this next.