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Wii motion plus problem connecting

Posted: Tue Oct 29, 2019 4:07 am
by davebob
Hello and thank you for reading this post,

I have been having a problem with the wii motion plus controllers (the ones with TR) connecting to Freepie.

The controllers themselves can connect and stay connected to my laptop with their lights blinking.

When I try to run a wiimote program on Freepie, the controller rings (once or twice) but all four lights on the controller remain blinking constantly.

The controller's inputs are not recognized within the program. For example, pressing the A button with the code below did not return anything.
map_wiimote_to_key(0, WiimoteButtons.A, Key.T)

I have also tried to change the wiimote index in the program but to no avail.
map_wiimote_to_key(1, WiimoteButtons.A, Key.T)
map_wiimote_to_key(2, WiimoteButtons.A, Key.T)
map_wiimote_to_key(3, WiimoteButtons.A, Key.T)
did not work

Some of the older version wiimotes that I have can connect and run Freepie scripts on my laptop but can not send the wii motion plus
data from their external module to Freepie. (idk if the laptop can read the motion plus data on there)

The wiimotes with motion plus have been able to connect to dolphin though.

Thanks in advance for any advice given.