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Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020

Posted: Thu Oct 10, 2019 8:04 am
by Gatorkea
Anyone 3d Fixers interested in picking this up? Looks like it would be amazing in 3d. Unfortunately Microsoft says they have no plans to implement VR

Edit: Microsoft apparently is now going to attempt vr implementation , hooray

Re: Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020

Posted: Thu Oct 10, 2019 10:16 am
by whyme466
Suggest adding this to Wishlist...

Re: Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020

Posted: Thu Oct 10, 2019 10:31 am
by Shift-E
I didnt think I had any interest in this title...until I watched those videos :o

That is one good looking game, very interesting tech involved. I wonder if it will be fixable, microsoft love their DX12 and many times don't include a DX11 option. I agree, would be a lot of fun in 3D...

Re: Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020

Posted: Thu Oct 10, 2019 10:08 pm
by DJ-RK
I will eventually pick this one up, but provided they implement VR then that'll be how I'll be playing it. My time is (normally) quite limited, so I only work on fixes that are necessary for my enjoyment, and if VR is a possibility then making a fix won't be necessary for my personal enjoyment. That's essentially why I abandoned my Elite Dangerous fix, because once I was able to play in VR to a much greater satisfaction my 3D fix became unnecessary (to me).

With that said, knowing that flight sims are a niche, and also so is shaderhacking (so being a niche within a niche) I could see that may put people out of luck. If no one else is willing to look at this, and given that I am an intermediate flight sim enthusiast, then this would be one of the rare occasions that I might commission a fix, kinda along the lines of DHR's old monetary model. I'd first check for the feasibility of a fix, and if it seems possible I'd set a figure and if the community reached that goal I'd complete/release a fix.

Has there been any announcement on the release date as of yet?

Re: Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020

Posted: Fri Oct 11, 2019 10:37 am
by Gatorkea
"Sometime in 2020"

Re: Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020

Posted: Mon Oct 21, 2019 12:51 pm
by Lizzard
DJ-RK wrote:That's essentially why I abandoned my Elite Dangerous fix, because once I was able to play in VR to a much greater satisfaction my 3D fix became unnecessary

Thanks for the WIP for ED! The parts I saw were almost flawless. The Nephilin was the guy who kept it alive since you left?

I borrowed my buddy's T16000 Hotas to try this out and after about 12 hours stuck in the first portion of training, trying to beat the AI, I gave up. What chance do you have against experienced guys out there if you cant beat the bots? But with my second attempt in VR I beat it. Was super satisfying!. My conclusion was that flight simulators really needs to be done the right way. Head tracking is superior in this environment. Being able to hear them in "3d space" also gives you a bit more leverage. I invited that same buddy over to experience ED in VR on Saturday and from his 2D experience he took down 4 ships in the arena. My bud's girl friend "healed" him from gaming. But from his response I can sense she is starting to hate me. hehe Even though she herself got hooked on google VR.

Not that I want to discourage shader hackers to get this working with 3D vision. Rather to encourage those interested to get into VR. The experience is worlds apart and reaching a more polished state.

Re: Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020

Posted: Tue Oct 29, 2019 5:24 pm
by Gatorkea
Anyone try Aerofly FS2? I think it is UE4, not sure it works in 3d