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FreePie: Show text foreground

Posted: Fri May 25, 2018 2:54 am
by Tortue
Hi everybody,

I'm trying FreePIE to replace GlovePIE because I like python and this soft is more powerfull.

But I want to show some text on the foreground of a top of all windows application on the corner of the screen
and update it with other texts frequently during the life of the script (non-blocking)

with glove pie i use a tricks for that, I create a fake cursor with text like this:
Cursor6.PosX = 20
Cursor6.PosY = 20

to get this result:
text foreground.png
I tried to install/import Tkinter on freepie, but it does not work.

Do you have any idea to help me for this?
Thanks a lot for your help