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Customize Headtracking with FreePIE

Posted: Mon May 21, 2018 4:42 am
by edelatze_roman

as I wrote a few days ago, I want to customize my TrackIR Headtracking system.
Now I am a bit further with my project, and have new issues.

The Simulation (assetto corsa) seems to read only the date from the TrackIR Software, and not the customized data from FreePIE.
So, how do I get assetto corsa to read the customized FreePIE date instead the core TrackIR data?

Next issue is, that if I recalculate the core data in FreePIE ( for example: trackIR.yaw = 2), the output value is 2, but all other axis are zero.
Someone can help with this?

Kind regards,

Re: Customize Headtracking with FreePIE

Posted: Mon May 21, 2018 4:45 am
by edelatze_roman
This pic shows the direction of the generated dataflow.