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First episode of my VR show is on YouTube!

Posted: Sat May 19, 2018 8:48 am
by WheatstoneHolmes

Watch on a smartphone with Google Cardboard or other VR viewer.

To watch on Oculus/Vive/WMR or other OpenVR headset you will need to download the video:

Note: because I used Google's Metadata injection tool the video can't be downloaded from YouTube.

WHVR Episode 1 is like my past 3D variety show "Dual I TV" but in VR featuring comedy segments and a mini review of Destiny 2 in stereoscopic 3D!

The video is 360 over/under stereoscopic 3D but I use only about 180 degrees as the "main stage" for viewing because at the moment
YouTube does not support 180 VR videos.

When YT supports 180 S3D VR you'll notice quite a jump in quality of my videos because the VR format for over/under is only 1920 vertically and that is halved by the videos being stacked on
top of each other, in 180 degree SBS you have 3840 x 1920 and the 3840 is halved to 1920 so it will give a better picture. Fingers crossed that YouTube is working on supporting this.


:polarized (pretend these are a VR headset)

Re: First episode of my VR show is on YouTube!

Posted: Sat May 19, 2018 11:57 am
by WheatstoneHolmes
Sorry, I was a bit mistaken in my estimates of the differences in resolution there are between the Over/Under (or Top/Bottom as Google calls it) video vs the SBS 180 video.

This is how the WHVR Ep1 is formatted for YouTube. 3840x1920
You can see how much waste there is because I wanted the viewer to only see a 180 degree S3D image.

This is what the SBS S3D 180 format would be.
It fills up all that wasted space and is the same resolution, 3840x1920.

So SBS 180 would be really clear in comparison!