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How many controllers is too many controllers?

Posted: Fri Feb 02, 2018 11:08 pm
by WestleyTwain
Hello, ladies and germs! I'm COMPLETELY new to FreePIE, and having not learned a whole lot of Python, am still using mostly GlovePIE for all of my weird wii mouse needs.

I play a lot of Kerbal Space Program, and I currently use an Xbox 360 controller for it. I find that it doesn't have as many buttons as I'd like, so could I in theory add a wiimote for more buttons? Could I use the accelerometers to add more axes?

I have JoyToKey and AutoHotKey. I'm not asking for you to write the script for me, I'm just wondering what's possible.

Blown away by the possibilities,


Re: How many controllers is too many controllers?

Posted: Sun Feb 04, 2018 12:41 pm
by Jabberwock
First of all, to answer the titular question: never ever, no such thing!

As for wiimote, yes, you can add accelerometers as axes, although your mileage might vary, as they are not very precise. I do not have Kerbal (yet), so I do not know how it handles input, but you can create a virtual joystick with vJoy with 8 axes and 32 buttons (if the game handles several controllers, then you can configure much more than you can reasonably handle).

And do not be afraid of Python, when you reuse some scripts you will see that scripting is no more complicated than in GlovePIE.

If you need more specific help, ask away. I am not much of a coder, but I've done some scripts with various controllers, so maybe I could help.

Re: How many controllers is too many controllers?

Posted: Thu Feb 08, 2018 5:46 pm
by LordAshes
If you need to do a lot of complicated processing you can always write it in C# (or similar) and implement it as a FreePIE plugin.

For example, I wrote a Gesture Recognition library around the Kinect sensor. Because my library required some processing beyond what I wanted to do in Python scripting, I created a FreePIE plugin, put all the processing there and had the plugin provide very easy to use events which the FreePIE python script can subscribe to. Works great. It took me a little to figure out how to create a plugin...but it wasn't actually that hard. If you want to create a plugin I'd be happy to assist with any question you may have.