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Sound Haptic Feedback --> It works brilliant!

Posted: Sat Nov 25, 2017 6:53 am
by TortillaJackson
Well well...

Somehow working on another VR Project i somehow came to the sound immersion topic.
Well, quess what. We made a product out of it and it just works great! It turned out that it adds a lot of immersion to VR.

So, because nobody knows, it's literally DAY 0 for it to be sold in public.
Here is my first shot in MTBS!

Here you go guys:

Put in as a retro fit on your chair, use Audicable or Bluetooth to connect and GO.
It's very simple and plug&play.

ready to pimp your racing rig, VR Arcade or whatever you are up to.
I first imagined it for music consumption. But the possibilities are endless.
The force feedback is delivered by 4 actors that transmit "body sound".
We spent a lot of research on materials and the perfect setup and actually patented it. :)
People i demoed it to (mainly VR Arcades) love it.

Yes it's produced professionally. Made in Germany.
We are ready to roll, no limits that hold us back.

I really want to know your feedback!
You are very welcome to make reviews etc. I am sure it will be positive :)

So. Whatever questions you have, just ask. I want to answer them and would even make you some YT videos.
But somehow i think its no point in showing it. You need to feel it!.

Music artists, VR enthusiasts. You will love it :)

Re: Sound Haptic Feedback --> It works brilliant!

Posted: Sat Nov 25, 2017 3:43 pm
Nice setup.
I was considering adding some bass speakers to my sim chair for flack vibrations, cockpit hits, you took it to the nth degree. nice

Bit pricey tho, granted I understand what it takes to produce mass commercial product, you gotta eat....profit.....


Re: Sound Haptic Feedback --> It works brilliant!

Posted: Sat Nov 25, 2017 3:56 pm
by TortillaJackson
good to hear, that there is a demand :)
we tried to make the pricetag convenient as possible.

With higher volumes we could try to move production to china to work on the price tag.
Adventure time. But this won't happen in a near future :)

So for what we offer right now we at least can say it's quality and robust.