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FreePIE and TWO wiimotes with M+ (bug?)

Posted: Fri Sep 08, 2017 2:16 am
by uneasy
Looks like there are random glitches in FreePIE when two wiimotes with Motion Plus integrated are connected. FreePIE log shows random errors - "MotionPlus not available", "Extension not available - could not read id". If I add commands to the script, I see that yaw, pitch and roll on one of the wiimotes do not work, yet acceleration and button_down produce results. And this wiimote is not defective, cause if I switch them, same thing happens to the other one (both work perfectly if only one is connected). It doesn't matter if wiimotes are connected via bluetooth dongle or DolphinBar - same glitch. I also tried running FreePIE on another computer, with the same results. And looks like I'm not the only one with this problem, check this video (at 1:12):

The author of the video says he managed to get both wiimotes working after running his script multiple times, but I tried 30 times, and got nothing.

BTW, I don't know if it's relevant but my Wii Remotes Plus are RVL-CNT-01, not RVL-CNT-01-TR.

Re: FreePIE and TWO wiimotes with M+ (bug?)

Posted: Wed Oct 18, 2017 11:02 am
by uneasy
The bug is fixed in FreePIE 1.10.666. If you receive the message "The program can't start because MSVCP140D.dll is missing from your computer" use the dll from this post.