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pimax 4k

Posted: Mon Feb 27, 2017 3:29 am
by Bpelsom
hi i im trying to get this great software to work on my pimax 4k iv tryed loads of games and none of them show two displays of the game.i also put all the dlls files in the game folder.i run Perception then chosse a game then click on the box it gose green but the game refusises to go into two screens am i doing something wrong can.could someone helo me olz

Re: pimax 4k

Posted: Thu Mar 09, 2017 3:35 pm
by ARGold57
I also have issues with pimax and Vireio:

Pimax has 3 modes. I generally use the "Pimax mode" which emulates a vive and works quite well with SteamVR. I have tried may things with Vireo and SteamVR in this mode and I too can get a green box but the game launches on the desktop and not in the HMD.

I have also tried the other two modes: "Direct", designed to emulate the Occulus and "Extended" designed to create two additional displays in each eye of the HMD. in "direct mode, the HMD never lights up at all. In Exended, I can drag windows into one or the other eye.

Vireo does not work with any mode. I believe I have followed all instructions for all three vireo modes in the documentation, online forums and severl youtube videos, but always the game launches to the desktop and not to the HMD.

Any advice is appreciated. Thank you.

One more thing, I am a senior software developer and have written audio and video drivers for several platforms (including firewire and USB). I generally know my way around this stuff...