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vJoy stopped working

Posted: Tue Dec 27, 2016 4:06 pm
by Terran
Some odd things happened today, all of a sudden (after a reboot) I cannot use vJoy as I used to do. FreePIE complains about not having any analog POV Hats - but I have them configured.

As I checked in vJoy config the tool complained about missmatching vJoyInterface DLL (which worked fine last week). So I've updated to the latest vJoy version. That fixed the DLL problem but FreePIE still cannot see the analog POV Hats. Installing the old version gave back the DLL error.

Re: vJoy stopped working

Posted: Tue Jan 03, 2017 3:43 am
by Terran
I've downgraded to 2.1.6 and now the issue is gone. Seams like maybe some changes in the vJoy interface causes an incompatibility with FreePIE.