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"external component has thrown an exception" when xbox360

Posted: Fri Nov 25, 2016 8:32 pm
by dev8

I have a ThrustMaster wheel for Xbox 360, and want to use it on my PC but trying to fix the combined throttle/break axis like suggested in this post : ... p?t=348954

My Windows version is 10.1607-x64, Xbox driver / xinput1_4.dll is 10.0.14393.0, tested FreePIE versions from 1.5 to 1.9, launched without or with administrator rights...

But when "pad = xbox360[0]" (even if only this line in a script) then FreePIE say "external component has thrown an exception" in error panel, and script is stopped.

Any idea about this ?

Re: "external component has thrown an exception" when xbox36

Posted: Sun Mar 05, 2017 4:10 pm
by dev8
My Windows version is 10.1607-x64, Xbox driver / xinput1_4.dll is 10.0.14393.0
Finally I understood: FreePIE seeks for xinput1_3.dll, whereas Windows10 (fresh install) provides xinput1_4.dll

Solution: download directx_Jun2010_redist.exe from ... px?id=8109 or ... redist.exe
then open it with 7-Zip for example, extract, open it, and copy xinput1_3.dll to C:\Program Files (x86)\FreePIE\

Now I have 2 axis for brake/throttle with my xbox wheel :P
Here is my simple script (tested with BMW M3 Challenge, which automatically see vJoy axis at first) :

Code: Select all

# convert combined axis (z) of xbox360 xInput devices
# to 2 separate axis (1 for each individual trigger/pedal) = DirectInput mode

# FreePIE (x86)
# vJoy: x86\vJoyInterface.dll + x86\vJoyInterfaceWrap.dll -> FreePIE directory
# Windows10: directx_Jun2010_redist.exe -> (7-Zip) -> -> xinput1_3.dll -> FreePIE directory
# joy.cpl:
# - vJoy device = independent triggers/pedals
# - xbox device = buttons + sticks/wheel (+ combined triggers/pedals)

# before launching game: FreePIE.exe /r /t

if starting:
    xb = xbox360[0]
    vj = vJoy[0]
    vj_max = vj.axisMax

vj.rx = round( filters.ensureMapRange( xb.leftTrigger , 0, 1, -vj_max, vj_max ))
vj.ry = round( filters.ensureMapRange( xb.rightTrigger, 0, 1, -vj_max, vj_max ))
Or to recreate all controls in vJoy :

Code: Select all

# vJoy configuration = x+y+z+rx+ry+rz axis, 10 buttons, 1 continuous pov

if starting:
    xb = xbox360[0]
    vj = vJoy[0]
    vj_max = vj.axisMax  # = 16382
    #diagnostics.debug( vj_max )

# (sticks = -1 to 1, triggers = 0 to 1)
vj.x  =  round( filters.ensureMapRange( xb.leftStickX  , -1, 1, -vj_max, vj_max ))
vj.y  = -round( filters.ensureMapRange( xb.leftStickY  , -1, 1, -vj_max, vj_max ))
vj.rx =  round( filters.ensureMapRange( xb.rightStickX , -1, 1, -vj_max, vj_max ))
vj.ry =  round( filters.ensureMapRange( xb.rightStickY , -1, 1, -vj_max, vj_max ))
vj.z  =  round( filters.ensureMapRange( xb.leftTrigger ,  0, 1, -vj_max, vj_max ))
vj.rz =  round( filters.ensureMapRange( xb.rightTrigger,  0, 1, -vj_max, vj_max ))
# (+ vj.slider vj.dial)

# (xb buttons = True or False)
vj.setButton( 0, xb.a )
vj.setButton( 1, xb.b )
vj.setButton( 2, xb.x )
vj.setButton( 3, xb.y )
vj.setButton( 4, xb.leftShoulder  )
vj.setButton( 5, xb.rightShoulder )
vj.setButton( 6, xb.back  )
vj.setButton( 7, xb.start )
vj.setButton( 8, xb.leftThumb  )
vj.setButton( 9, xb.rightThumb )

pov = 0
if xb.up   : pov += 1
if xb.right: pov += 2
if xb.down : pov += 4
if xb.left : pov += 8

if pov ==  0: vj.setAnalogPov( 0,    -1 )

if pov ==  1: vj.setAnalogPov( 0,     0 )  # 1     =  up          =   0°
if pov ==  2: vj.setAnalogPov( 0,  9000 )  #     2 =        right =  90°
if pov ==  4: vj.setAnalogPov( 0, 18000 )  # 4     = down         = 180°
if pov ==  8: vj.setAnalogPov( 0, 27000 )  #     8 =         left = 270°

if pov ==  3: vj.setAnalogPov( 0,  4500 )  # 1 + 2 =  up  + right =  45°
if pov ==  6: vj.setAnalogPov( 0, 13500 )  # 4 + 2 = down + right = 135°
if pov ==  9: vj.setAnalogPov( 0, 31500 )  # 1 + 8 =  up  +  left = 315°
if pov == 12: vj.setAnalogPov( 0, 22500 )  # 4 + 8 = down +  left = 225°
Edit: an old version for games with auto-detection =

Code: Select all

# source =

# if game makes auto-detection for assignements, it will probably pick the combined axis ; then:
# - press trigger/pedal and a+b+y buttons (or CapsLock key) simultaneously
# - release trigger/pedal (and buttons)
# - you have 10 seconds to switch assignement on edit mode
# - after 10 seconds, the virtual axis is simulated

# if combo can't be used inside game: increase auto_move_delay, make combo before launching game,
# edit assignements and wait ; then exit game and repeat combo, etc. for 2nd trigger/pedal


from time import sleep

if starting:
    lt_vaxis = "rx"  #  (left trigger/pedal)
    rt_vaxis = "ry"  # (right trigger/pedal)

    auto_move_axis_key = Key.CapsLock
    auto_move_button_1 = "a"  # (or 0 to disable combo)
    auto_move_button_2 = "b"
    auto_move_button_3 = "y"

    auto_move_axis_function_enabled = 1
    button_to_key_mappings_enabled = 0  # if enabled:
    # back  button     = escape key
    # start button     = enter  key  + mouse clic
    # directionnal pad = arrow  keys + mouse moves


    invert_left_trigger = 0
    invert_right_trigger = 0

    lt_min, lt_max = 0, 1
    rt_min, rt_max = 0, 1
    # (10% deadzone: min=0.1 max=0.9)
    auto_move_delay = 10
    auto_move_travel_time = 1.5
    auto_move_cycles = 2
    # (after 10 seconds, reach maximum in 1.5 seconds, then wait 1.5 seconds,
    # then move down to minimum ; then wait 1.5 seconds, and restart a 2nd time)


    vj = vJoy[0]
    xb = xbox360[0]

    vjoy_min = -vj.axisMax
    vjoy_max =  vj.axisMax

    if invert_left_trigger:  lt_vjmin, lt_vjmax = vjoy_max, vjoy_min
    else:                    lt_vjmin, lt_vjmax = vjoy_min, vjoy_max

    if invert_right_trigger: rt_vjmin, rt_vjmax = vjoy_max, vjoy_min
    else:                    rt_vjmin, rt_vjmax = vjoy_min, vjoy_max

# end of settings

def cycle(vd, vx):
    jps = 30
    stps = range(int(auto_move_travel_time * jps) + 1)
    setattr(vd, vx, vjoy_min)
    speech.say("auto-move, wait %s seconds" % int(auto_move_travel_time * 4 * auto_move_cycles - auto_move_travel_time))
    for t in range(auto_move_cycles):
        if t and auto_move_cycles > 1:
        for k in stps:
            setattr(vd, vx, vjoy_min + k * vj.axisMax * 2 / (auto_move_travel_time * jps))
            sleep(1 / float(jps))
        for k in reversed(stps):
            setattr(vd, vx, vjoy_min + k * vj.axisMax * 2 / (auto_move_travel_time * jps))
            sleep(1 / float(jps))

# main

setattr( vj, lt_vaxis, round(filters.ensureMapRange( xb.leftTrigger,  lt_min, lt_max, lt_vjmin, lt_vjmax )))
setattr( vj, rt_vaxis, round(filters.ensureMapRange( xb.rightTrigger, rt_min, rt_max, rt_vjmin, rt_vjmax )))


if auto_move_axis_function_enabled:
    if (auto_move_axis_key and keyboard.getKeyDown(auto_move_axis_key) or
            auto_move_button_1 and
            getattr(xb, auto_move_button_1) and
            getattr(xb, auto_move_button_2) and
            getattr(xb, auto_move_button_3)):
        if xb.leftTrigger > (lt_min + 0.1) or xb.rightTrigger > (rt_min + 0.1):
            axis_to_move = lt_vaxis if xb.leftTrigger > (lt_min + 0.1) else rt_vaxis
            setattr(vj, axis_to_move, vjoy_min)
            speech.say("auto-move in %s seconds" % auto_move_delay)
            cycle(vj, axis_to_move)
        #    speech.say("left %s, right %s" % (round(xb.leftTrigger,2),round(xb.rightTrigger,2)))


if button_to_key_mappings_enabled:
    mouse.leftButton = xb.start
    keyboard.setKey( Key.Return,     xb.start )
    keyboard.setKey( Key.Escape,     xb.back  )
    keyboard.setKey( Key.UpArrow,    xb.up    )
    keyboard.setKey( Key.DownArrow,  xb.down  )
    keyboard.setKey( Key.LeftArrow,  xb.left  )
    keyboard.setKey( Key.RightArrow, xb.right )
    if getattr( xb, "up"    ): mouse.deltaY = -1
    if getattr( xb, "down"  ): mouse.deltaY =  1
    if getattr( xb, "left"  ): mouse.deltaX = -2
    if getattr( xb, "right" ): mouse.deltaX =  2