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Big Button X360 controllers (WinUSB) and FreePIE

Posted: Wed Nov 09, 2016 8:34 am
by Jabberwock
I am eyeing a set of four Big Button X360 controllers with the IR receiver (i.e. a Scene it? set) and I wonder whether it would be possible to add support for it in FreePIE. I have found this post: ... gmundarson

As I realize that most likely it would be me who has to do it, and given that I have no experience in driver/plugin writing and very little in C programming, I hoped someone could have a look at the source given in the link and tell me whether it is feasible at all to interface a FreePIE plugin with the custom (WinUSB) driver.

I see there is also a WinUSB python wrapper, but most of it went over my head as well...

Re: Big Button X360 controllers (WinUSB) and FreePIE

Posted: Thu Nov 24, 2016 3:05 pm
by xhonzi

Re: Big Button X360 controllers (WinUSB) and FreePIE

Posted: Thu Nov 24, 2016 3:26 pm
by Jabberwock
Thanks, but...

Sadly, someone has snatched the set (I am not even sure they knew what they were buying....). Well, maybe next time.

Also, another reason I was not so eager to buy them was that, if I understand correctly, the controllers do not allow for diagonals and for combined input (e.g. direction and button), which makes them somewhat less usable as game controllers...