"MInority Report" like Virtual Control in Games

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"MInority Report" like Virtual Control in Games

Post by martinlandau »

http://hardware.slashdot.org/hardware/0 ... 5251.shtml

"A startup named Mgestyk Technologies claims that they have an affordable solution for 'Minority Report'-like PC control. They have released a video in which they use hand gestures to play games like Halo and Guitar Hero, as well as perform 'multi-touch' interactions for applications like Google Earth. Engadget and Gizmodo discuss the potential of the technology but point out that the system has visible lag when used for gaming. Will camera-based interfaces ever meet the low-latency demands of gaming? For how much longer will we still be using keyboards, mice and joysticks?"
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Post by cirk2 »

Wow thats great.

If it is not to expensive I will get a Copy. On they webpage they say to the price "in range of an Hig-end Webcam" I don't know what they mean with this....

"Mgestyk works even in total darkness - no need to redo your interior lighting!"

That thing seems to have an intresting tecnic.

"Mgestyk gestures are processed in 3D, meaning that even depth-based gestures (like for controlling the throttle of a plane) are natural and responsive to use."

Do they use Lasers to mesaure that all? I hope you can view the 3D material, might export it to ;)
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Post by martinlandau »

cirk2 wrote:Do they use Lasers to mesaure that all?
I think they have a program that recognizes certain gestures from the webcam and compare it in their database - no lasers needed. As processor power gets better, should make this program more snappy.
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Post by cirk2 »

They're saying, that the cammera gets 3D pictures, so I was a bit confused...
There stands:
There have been several attempts at gesture-based input in the past. Mgestyk offers several important advantages over these other products:

* Mgestyk gestures are processed in 3D, meaning that even depth-based gestures (like for controlling the throttle of a plane) are natural and responsive to use.
* If you've used the PlayStation 2 EyeToy, you're probably familiar with the red LED that flashes when the room isn't lit just right. The EyeToy manual recommends that you "switch on all available lighting in the room and point them at you" or "draw the curtains and use artificial light instead". Mgestyk works even in total darkness - no need to redo your interior lighting!
* You do not need to keep your hands in front of a specific background with Mgestyk. In fact, people can move around behind you without affecting processing.
* Mgestyk can detect hand gestures without requiring you to hold up specific objects, wear gloves, use colored tape on your fingers etc. - all you need is your hands!
* Mgestyk can easily be set up to control any Windows-based game or application. You do not need to wait for developers of a game to implement gesture support
So this schoud be more than shape detection, or "deph based gestures" won't work...
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Post by cybereality »

Looks pretty cool. Thanks for the link.
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