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Please, no irony, part two.

Posted: Fri Nov 07, 2008 3:11 pm
by koshien
Neil, I' m not going to waste my time writing to people that can not read what I had just written.

I had just written this.

I don't know seems like you are "picking on" Neil (I know that's not the right word...but, hey, I'm Italian :lol: ).
Anyways...not to talk about politics is impossible Neil, everything is politics. Videogames are politics.
What happens when a Governement censors a videogame, do we not talk about politics?
I understand mtbs3d is not yet in the position to talk about such important matters... it's not probably the best thing to do right now since it 's not a very big community... this is an historical moment though. Financial crysis even affected TDVision's plans (and, of course, this is the less important thing)...
How not to talk about what is all around us?
And Carl...
How not to think and believe things can change?
What do we live for then? How not to have faith? How not to think we can change things in our little? And I think that's what you think since you want to talk to people about politics...why would you do that otherwise?
I want to believe things can change thank to my little helping, too. And I want to believe there are people, which sometimes happen to be powerful, that can do the right things.
I will watch them, I will criticize them and if they don't deserve my vote, I will not vote them next time.
But if I vote them, don't tell me not to have faith in them.
If they say right things I will give them the chance to do those things. We are just at the beginning.
Neil, if we weren' t as we are, we would have not been here at mtbs3d.
If we enjoy being here and be part of this great community it's because we mostly think on our own. We would have not been mtbs3d members otherwise.


Please, don't close the topic soon, let them read the answer...I'm getting tired of this.

Re: Please, no irony, part two.

Posted: Fri Nov 07, 2008 3:51 pm
by Car1Kenner
koshien wrote: And Carl...
How not to think and believe things can change?
It's not that I don't think and believe things can change, I just think a different strategy is necessary. Barrack Obama received more corporate donations than anyone in history (which is unusual, normally the republicans receive more funding), and those corporations had a list of demands for him to meet or they wouldn't support him. So those corporations are pulling him far to the right. If progressive people support Obama unconditionally without any demands for him to meet or any criticism then he will take their support without offering anything in return, and drift further in the direction of the corporate backers.

But if people start making demands on Obama and threatening to vote for other candidates (Nader, the greens, or whatever) or threatening to hold protests, go on strike, or whatever if they don't get their way, then Obama will have no choice but to go with their demands. Congress people are also susceptible to protests, and you can sign up at to help pressure your local congressperson.
If they say right things I will give them the chance to do those things. We are just at the beginning.
But did they actually say the right things? Obama was very vague and said "change" a lot without specifying details. When he spoke to lobbyists though, for example AIPAC, he made very clear that he would still support war on Iran for example.

Actually, the beginning of the Democrats government was in 2006 when the Democrats won control of both houses of parliament, which gave them almost complete control. They had the power to stop the war in Iraq for example, but voted to continue funding it instead.

Anyway, don't get discouraged. Protest movements have stopped wars before even when elections have failed to do so. The same with environmental or financial issues.