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Which 3D hologram video creating software can handle volume?

Posted: Wed Jan 13, 2016 10:25 am
by haptichollogram
I'm currently screening programmers that will help me build a 3D hologram website. The catch is: what software would the experts on this forum recommend?

Tech Smith - Camtasia Studio: this program will let users make their own 3D hologram video but it's...complicated, lots of steps, details, etc. and I need it to be a one-click product.
Adobe Premier Elements - this could work but I imagine I'd need ot work out some type of licensing agreement w/ Adobe, to handle the volume.

I'm sure there's many more software programs that let users create 3D hologram videos (any suggestions?) but I'm looking for the software that experts here use to quickly produce hologram videos and can be integrated into a stand-alone website (so that Adobe / Camtasia woudln't be explicitly visual to ever visiting user.

THANK YOU in advance! :woot