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Ghost button presses

Posted: Tue Apr 28, 2015 4:36 pm
by Minglewood

I have a very simple script setup to translate a joystick (EdTracker) input to mouse output for HeadTracking in GTA V.

mouse.deltaX = joystick[2].x
mouse.deltaY = joystick[2].y

toggle = keyboard.getPressed(Key.Delete)

if starting:
enabled = False

if toggle:
enabled = not enabled

The script works well enough (although I think I need to run it through a filter because the output is jumpy)


I get strange behaviour from my xbox controller while the script is processing the input from the EdTracker (actively moving the mouse via the EdTrackers).

-Pressing B on the xbox controller while moving the Edtracker results in the same output as pressing down on the dpad and pressing B (seems like I am seeing a down-dpad press)
-A quick press of the back button the xbox controller acts like a held press.

If I don't move the EdTracker or just stop the freepie script, all of this behavior goes away.

Any ideas?