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FreePie mouse emulator not working despite data feed

Posted: Sat Jan 24, 2015 11:55 am
by VRguy857

I'm really new to all of this and am having trouble with getting my Android Smartphone working as a VR head tracking/mouse emulating device in conjunction with FreePie.

What i did was to first start the FreePie desktop app, then load up the mouse emulator script in it (in fact i already tried out a bunch of these since i'm not familar with coding myself, but none of them seem to work), then turn on the android FreePie IMU app afterwards - And then nothing happens.

I double-checked with Opentrack too to see if anything's wrong with the sensor feed, but the octupus animation there indicates that the android data is being received with no problems - Though as soon as i attempt to emulate the mouse and press "Run Script" in FreePie it stops moving again at the same time.

The odd thing is that according to the OpenTrack animation mentioned above all the data from the gyro/sensors seems to be getting received but for some reason it's not getting translated into mouse movements as it should. Not even an error report by FreePie or something along those lines, it's just that nothing happens at all when i run the FreePie mouse script and the FreePie IMU application at the same time.

Can anyone point out what i'm doing wrong or what's interfering with the mouse emulation process? I'd be very glad for any and all advice here... Should i opt for completely re-installing FreePie?

-Thanks in advance

Re: FreePie mouse emulator not working despite data feed

Posted: Sun Jan 25, 2015 6:34 am
by CyberVillain
You are trying to use Opentrack and FreePIE at the same time?
Opentrack and FreePIE are two different programs that try to solve the same problem.

Anyway, start simple, is this showing any data in watch window?

Code: Select all[0].googleYaw)
If you enable debug on the phone app do you see it receive data there?

Re: FreePie mouse emulator not working despite data feed

Posted: Tue Jan 27, 2015 9:48 am
by VRguy857
CyberVillain wrote: If you enable debug on the phone app do you see it receive data there?
Hello, and thanks for your reply! Oh i see, i didn't know those two programs would conflict with each other...

The debug option on the phone does indeed show all of the data being received from the phone sensors by the IMU application, but when i run the script from your post in Win7 the FreePie watch window there just says "android[0].googleYaw 0" and nothing besides that, it doesn't look like there's any data coming in? :shock: Does this indicate a faulty connection between the smartphone and the PC itself, e.g. a wrong port or target ip number?

Re: FreePie mouse emulator not working despite data feed

Posted: Tue Jan 27, 2015 2:30 pm
by CyberVillain
Could be, have you ticked the checkbox saying "Send orientation"? Its required for googleYaw etc

Re: FreePie mouse emulator not working despite data feed

Posted: Fri Jan 30, 2015 3:54 am
by VRguy857
Thanks, i got it to work now. The problem seems to have been that i attempted to connect the smartphone via USB. I tried it over my wlan network only and now it's working after i changed the firewall rules.

The mouse movement is incredibly jittery though and jumps all over the place as if someone was wildly shaking the mouse, and i haven't found a way of lowering the sensitivity for it yet in either of the freepie clients... Is there such an option hidden somewhere? Or could the sensitivity be lowered via a python script too?

Re: FreePie mouse emulator not working despite data feed

Posted: Fri Jan 30, 2015 4:04 am
by CyberVillain
Post your script please

Re: FreePie mouse emulator not working despite data feed

Posted: Mon Feb 02, 2015 5:53 pm
by VRguy857
CyberVillain wrote:Post your script please
This is the script i chose to use, i'm not sure if it's configured correctly though:

Code: Select all

def update():
   global yaw
   global roll
   global pitch
   yaw = -android[0].googleYaw
   roll = -android[0].googleRoll
   pitch = android[0].googlePitch

if starting:
   yaw = 0
   roll = 0
   pitch = 0
   enabled = False
   android[0].update += update

deltaYaw =
deltaPitch =
deltaRoll =

if (enabled):
   mouse.deltaX = -deltaYaw*600
   mouse.deltaY = -deltaRoll*1000

toggle = keyboard.getPressed(Key.M)

if toggle:
   enabled = not enabled

Re: FreePie mouse emulator not working despite data feed

Posted: Tue Feb 03, 2015 2:37 am
by CyberVillain

Code: Select all

   mouse.deltaX = -deltaYaw*600
   mouse.deltaY = -deltaRoll*1000
600 och 1000 change them to something lower and go up

Re: FreePie mouse emulator not working despite data feed

Posted: Sun Feb 08, 2015 7:51 am
by VRguy857
Welp, i went down all the way to 20*60 and it still made the weird movements afterwards, though not as massive/noticeable as they were before.

I think there might be something wrong with my smartphone's sensors, or maybe they're not precise enough. Is there an option somewhere to configure FreePie to run and send sensor data via USB tethered mode too? Maybe that would yield some better results...

Re: FreePie mouse emulator not working despite data feed

Posted: Sun Feb 08, 2015 12:20 pm
by CyberVillain
The idea is that the phone and computed shares network when tethered and you use FreePIE like normal but over cable.