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Can 180 degree jump of airmouse be fixed in FreePIE

Posted: Wed Jan 21, 2015 5:02 pm
by konstantin_lozev
Well, the question is self explanatory, really. I dusted the old MAG II off in an attempt to try and come up with ways to fix its flaws. For one, I am abandoning the knob options for beginner/intermediate/pro, the acceleration idea that they came up with simply does not work, just as the settings on the knob. The only option that is worth in fact is the airmouse one for on-rails shooters. With it, the MAG II is actually not a bad alternative, the only thing is there is a nasty jump around 180 degrees which destroys the whole idea, in my settings this is around +/- 7500 mickeys.
I am not sure how to fix it though. The best approach would have been to ignore/switch off (or swallow in terms of GlovePIE) the mouse associated with the MAG II (in GlovePIE that shows as mause3) and transfer to the system mouse only the delta if the abs(delta(mouse3.directinputx))<1000, which will be then coming from the accelerometer data mainly. I think that would have given a satisfactory result. The problem is GlovePIE cannot swallow a hardware mouse, but only the system mouse/cursor, so this does not work for DirectInput games.
The question then is, can a hardware mouse be disabled or switched off temporarily through FreePIE before it transfers its readings to the system mouse? Maybe the solution would be to feed the opposite readings at the same time, but I fear this may bring in some lag...
Or are there more elegant solutions?

Re: Can 180 degree jump of airmouse be fixed in FreePIE

Posted: Wed Jan 21, 2015 10:50 pm
by cybereality
I was initially very excited about the Mag II until I found this bug. Such a huge oversight on an otherwise decent product.

Not sure about suppressing a hardware mouse. I've never tried that.

Re: Can 180 degree jump of airmouse be fixed in FreePIE

Posted: Thu Jan 22, 2015 12:16 am
by konstantin_lozev
cybereality wrote:I was initially very excited about the Mag II until I found this bug. Such a huge oversight on an otherwise decent product.

Not sure about suppressing a hardware mouse. I've never tried that.
I felt the same way, honestly, it has been collecting dust behind the TV for ~1 year now, but I got an ultimatum from wife that if I don't use it, it may soon go to the bin :). I wonder why noone has tried to hack it to get the raw gyro data,maybe too few units sold... It's not that there are that many alternatives besides this and a wiimote.
I have the feeling that suppressing a hardware mouse while still being able to read it in GlovePIE/FreePIE is not unatainable, it is possible with the keyboard in GlovePIE.
I may try in the meantime while waiting for more optimistic news, inputting the negative of the mouse delta, but I seriously suspect that will introduce some jitter/lagginess. First thing to keep in mind on that is of course same framerate between MAG II and GlovePIE/FreePIE.