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An idea about nausea , distance from the screen

Posted: Wed Dec 10, 2014 10:25 pm
by JDuncan
If you loot at yourself as the center of a circle looking at the Perimeter of a circle, then make the area of the circle have different perimeter sizes.

Then one size perimeter is smaller than another size perimeter, and both perimeters have the same circle center, you.

The larger perimeter and the smaller perimeter looked at as you move your eyes left to right, you see the smaller perimeter move slower than the larger perimeter.

To see this hold out your finger and move it to follow the eyes, so the finger is in-between the line that is what is in the distance and your eyes.
Now what is in the distance when you look left to right moves fast compared to the speed of your finger, this is what I am pointing out in the circle logic.

Now I was looking at the Hatsune Miku levan polka video on youtube;

And the ground in the video pans so different aspect of Hatsune Miku are visible.
This was viewed on my cell phone screen, in 720p I think.

As I watched the panning ground I thought would I feel odd if I put the cell phone screen close to my eyes so I only saw the screen in front of my eyes, so that when the ground pans around Hatsune Miku the effect the panning gives is increased, and I did, and I felt nausea type sickness pretty quick.

Then I moved the screen 7 inches from my eyes and instantly the nausea left me.

Then I watched the Lucy trailer and did the same thing with my cell phone screen, putting it close to my eyes then far away.

When there is explosions the light gives me nausea when the screen is near my eyes, but moving the screen seven inches resolved the nausea feeling.

What I think is happening with nausea in VR is the screen is close enough the feeling of seeing far away is done. So the feeling of close and far when the eyes look out from the center of a circle is that the far is seen up close and this creates nausea.
Far = close = nausea.

Then moving the far = far = no nausea.

(Far = fast) + (far = far) = (fast = far = no nausea.)

So the oculus screen is too close and is creating the fast sensation in the mind so the mind is saying the screen is too close.

Re: An idea about nausea , distance from the screen

Posted: Wed Dec 17, 2014 3:15 am
by JDuncan
Today I decided to look at a display distance calculator to find the ideal distance and screen size that doesn't give me nausea.

Here is the video I watched at 720p, my test video because of the jumpy camera;

Here is my test results;

Code: Select all

1. Distance to main viewing location: 3.2 feet
2. Choose Screen Shape: 16:9
3. Choose Screen Size: (Enter either a diagonal screen size or width):
 Choose Diagonal Size = 43 inches

52 degrees current viewing angle
16.2 feet Maximum recommended viewing distance
5.8 feet Maximum recommended SMPTE viewing distance (30 degree viewing angle)
6.8 feet Maximum THX viewing distance (26 degree viewing angle)
4.8 Recommended THX viewing distance (36 degree viewing angle)
Here is the calculator website; ... lator.html

To do this test so you see what I see what I watch the video I linked too, enter your screen size you'll watch the video with, it's gotta be 16:9 aspect ratio, and then mess with the distance until you get the same degree current viewing angle I got, 52 degrees.

Then watch the video at 85 degrees and see the difference the closer distance made to give you the feeling of nausea.
All this is on a 2d screen, no 3d or oculus involved.

Now if the video doesn't jump from scene to scene you don't get that nausea feeling even at 85 degree viewing angle, but if you look at the scenes there's a lot of jumping and some panning scenes you'll get that nausea feeling at 85 degrees compared to the 52 degrees.
This explains to me why some oculus demos give nausea and some don't, the scene jumping is what does it for me in this example so the oculus camera must move like the scene jumping moreso than not, or the panning gives a sense that your too close to the screen, but not all panning does this just some odd panning where the environment looks 3D compared to other more 2d panning scenes.

If you use 52 degrees you can get that action movie type camera jumping from scene to scene rapidly and not get nauseous.
But use the larger more immersive 85 to 120 degrees and the scene have to be not too 3d and not jumping from scene to scene to not get nausea.

For sure I prefer jumpin camera to immersion and nausea or immersion. ymmv.

What is sad is people will argue for the immersion of 85 degree or greater viewing angle, even if they see the immersion makes them feel nauseous.