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Mouse to WASD (mouse steering)

Posted: Tue Oct 28, 2014 7:02 am
by Friedloc
First hi all. :mrgreen:

To describe my problem, I have a spinal cord injury (paralysed fingers) and so I have a bit of a problem with WASD or arrow keys.
But my real problem is, I suck at coding. :oops:

I bought Rage and I am stuck at racing. So I tried a few glovepie scripts. The one below works best but it runs continously and I would need it to be toggled by key.
I am too stupid to add the toggle code (from the second code below) to the first glovepie script. I've tried to add it but my script refused to run.
The glovepie forum seems to be dead so I googled and found freepie. :D
I found freepie scripts for mouse to vjoy. But I would need mouse to wasd. And since I know next to nothing about phyton coding, I can't alter the code myself. I have to plee for help. :oops:

Could somebody point me to a freepie script (I found nothing suitable) or would be so nice to write a script similar to the first code?
I would love to stick with freepie because it is in active development. ;)

Or could somebody alter the first code to be toggled by F12?

Thx in advance. ;)

Code: Select all

// Mouse to WASD
// by lednerg

var.Speed = 1
var.MouseX = delta(mouse.x)
var.MouseY = delta(mouse.y)
var.WASD_Amount = sqrt((abs(var.MouseX))^2 + (abs(var.MouseY))^2) * var.Speed
var.WASD_xAng = int(MapEnsureRange(abs(arcsin(var.MouseX / var.WASD_Amount)),0,85,0,200))
var.WASD_yAng = int(MapEnsureRange(abs(arcsin(var.MouseY / var.WASD_Amount)),0,85,0,200))
if var.WASD_xAng > var.WASD_yAng {
   var.WASD_a = var.WASD_xAng
   var.WASD_b = var.WASD_yAng
   var.WASD_abSwitch = false
   var.WASD_a = var.WASD_yAng
   var.WASD_b = var.WASD_xAng
   var.WASD_abSwitch = true
if var.WASD_Init = false and var.WASD_Amount > 0 {
   var.WASD_aC = var.WASD_a
   var.WASD_bC = var.WASD_b
   var.WASD_Init = true
if var.WASD_Amount = 0 {
   var.WASD_Init = false
if var.WASD_bC > var.WASD_a and var.WASD_Init = true and var.WASD_AD_key = false and var.WASD_WS_key = false {
   if var.WASD_aC < var.WASD_a then var.WASD_aC = var.WASD_a
   var.WASD_bC = abs(var.WASD_bC - var.WASD_aC)
   if var.WASD_abSwitch = false then var.WASD_WS_key = true else var.WASD_AD_key = true
if var.WASD_bC <= var.WASD_a and var.WASD_Init = true and var.WASD_AD_key = false and var.WASD_WS_key = false {
   if var.WASD_abSwitch = false then var.WASD_AD_key = true else var.WASD_WS_key = true
   var.WASD_aC = abs(var.WASD_aC - var.WASD_bC)
   var.WASD_bC = var.WASD_b + var.WASD_bC
var.WASD_Pause = int(MapEnsureRange( 200 - var.WASD_Amount * 5000 ,125,250,0,200))
if var.WASD_AD_key = true {
   key.a = var.MouseX < -.0005
   key.d = var.MouseX > .0005
   wait 10 ms     
   if var.MouseX > -.05 then key.a = false
   if var.MouseX < .05 then key.d = false
   wait var.WASD_Pause ms
   var.WASD_AD_key = false
if var.WASD_WS_key = true {
   key.w = var.MouseY < -.0005
   key.s = var.MouseY > .0005
   wait 10 ms
   if var.MouseY > -.05 then key.w = false
   if var.MouseY < .05 then key.s = false
   wait var.WASD_Pause ms
   var.WASD_WS_key = false

Code: Select all

//Toggle from mouse to steering wheel.//

if then
   var.mouse ++
   wait 2s


//Unlocking Mouse//

if var.mouse > 1 then
   var.mouse = 0
   Say("Mouse Unlocked")

//So it only works when it is toggled.//

if var.mouse = true then
   mouse.swallow = true

   if delta(smooth(mouse.DirectInputX))<0 then
      else key.A=0

   if delta(smooth(mouse.DirectInputX))>0 then
      else key.D=0

   if delta(smooth(mouse.DirectInputY))<0
      else key.W=0

   if delta(smooth(mouse.DirectInputY))>0
      else key.S=0
    else mouse.swallow = false

Re: Mouse to WASD (mouse steering)

Posted: Tue Oct 28, 2014 9:32 am
by CyberVillain

Re: Mouse to WASD (mouse steering)

Posted: Tue Oct 28, 2014 9:51 am
by Friedloc
Thx for the reply, but this includes vjoy. RAGE does not support joysticks, or I did not find out how to properly setup joysticks with Rage.
Hence the question for a direct mouse to wasd script.

Re: Mouse to WASD (mouse steering)

Posted: Tue Oct 28, 2014 12:54 pm
by CyberVillain
Its Rage the FPS game?

How do you want to stear the keyboard?

Re: Mouse to WASD (mouse steering)

Posted: Tue Oct 28, 2014 3:24 pm
by Friedloc
Yes, rage the fps.
I have a trackball. The left right movement is translated through the script to ad, up down to ws.

Re: Mouse to WASD (mouse steering)

Posted: Wed Oct 29, 2014 9:25 am
by CyberVillain
Friedloc wrote:Yes, rage the fps.
I have a trackball. The left right movement is translated through the script to ad, up down to ws.

And the mouse move, do you hold down a button to to keyboad actions and if relased the mouse is used as normal?

Re: Mouse to WASD (mouse steering)

Posted: Wed Oct 29, 2014 10:51 am
by Friedloc
No, I just move the ball of the trackball left and right. Forward and back I can press. It is the coordination I lack.
Imagine me with two fists doing all the movement. With the left fist I push the ball, with the right fist I tap forward or back arrow key.


This is my trackball.

I would like to toggle the script with F12 or something.

Re: Mouse to WASD (mouse steering)

Posted: Wed Oct 29, 2014 1:25 pm
by CyberVillain
okej, so its both a mouse and a trackall correct? So you will use the mouse part as the mouse and the trackball to walk?

Re: Mouse to WASD (mouse steering)

Posted: Thu Oct 30, 2014 6:08 am
by Friedloc
You confuse me. ;) It is a trackball, works like a mouse only upside down. :D

Forward und backwards I use the arrow keys on keyboard.
But left and right I would steer with the ball.

Code: Select all

if delta(smooth(mouse.DirectInputX))<0 then
      else key.A=0

if delta(smooth(mouse.DirectInputX))>0 then
      else key.D=0

Like this glovepie code.

Re: Mouse to WASD (mouse steering)

Posted: Thu Oct 30, 2014 9:21 am
by CyberVillain
If left and right on the mouse is taken, how do you look left right?

Re: Mouse to WASD (mouse steering)

Posted: Tue Mar 15, 2016 9:01 am
by rodentz3
search on Google for altController. Its a free program that can do what you want.