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Advice needed...vireio nightly works 32bit not 64bit win7...

Posted: Mon Sep 29, 2014 1:33 am
by yankebupt
At first the D3D proxy version works fine...
I'm using win7 64bit.
I downloaded 2.0 to try out and found out it asks for BaseDirect3d9 dll Entry point.....
I doubt it was the directx so I tried Installing directx 9.0c and later directX sdk 2010 but none worked.
Then I tried it on VM runs win7 32bit, it worked.

Advice needed on how can I start the program on 64bit win7 or which snapshot I need to build myself for use on win7 64bit. Thanks. Any advice would be grateful.

Re: Advice needed...vireio nightly works 32bit not 64bit win

Posted: Mon Sep 29, 2014 10:34 pm
by Neil
You may need to copy the Vireio DLL files to the game's EXE directory. In a future version of Vireio, this will no longer be necessary.


Re: Advice needed...vireio nightly works 32bit not 64bit win

Posted: Tue Sep 30, 2014 12:55 am
by yankebupt
After a few hours of playing around the dll files I got Perception.exe started on a windows server 2012 x64 VM....It seemed something is broken with my win7 directx....
Sorry to have troubled anybody.
Reinstalling my OS in a few hours....

Re: Advice needed...vireio nightly works 32bit not 64bit win

Posted: Tue Sep 30, 2014 1:40 am
by yankebupt
I renamed d3d9.dll in system32 and sysWOW64 and rebooted...serveral warnings during next reboot. After that I renamed them back. And it worked...
Looks like some program is hijacking the d3d9.dll already(maybe the video streamer maybe something else).
Sorry about the post.