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The Oculus Rift roller coaster, and other sights from Ad:Tech Tokyo

Posted: Fri Sep 19, 2014 1:35 pm
by metalqueen

By David Corbin

Ad:Tech Tokyo, one in a series of international advertising conferences, was held from September 16-18. It attracted the usual big names including Yahoo Japan, Twitter, Google, Facebook and a host of SEO-loving advertising experts. Aside from the heavyweights, there were also a number of young, rising companies eager to meet new clients. Take a look below at some of the companies that stood out during the event. 

Yahoo Japan 

Yahoo made a splash with an Oculus Rift powered roller coaster for search engine results. Users climb into the pod, strap on the headset, and are transported to a virtual roller coaster. The hills and valleys of the ride reflect the popularity of a given search term.

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